After undergoing surgery to repair the break in his leg, from which Randle is
expected to make a full recovery, questions were left regarding a
pre-existing injury to his foot Randle suffered in high school. By going
under the knife to take the opportunity to allow the foot to heal while he is
already off the court with another injury, Randle proved his dedication to
the Los Angeles Lakers, and to his own success in the NBA.
Randle 今日也顺便把之前脚踝的螺丝进行替换,趁著休养期间,一次把问题搞定。
在不考量 Kobe 休息的情况下,湖人球员本季已经因伤、事故缺席共139场。
Wesley Johnson 预计休养一周,加上 Nash 与 Randle,明日与快艇之战,又+3场。
若不考虑将 Nash 送走的情况下,湖人球员到季末至少还会缺席100场。