[外电]热火,公牛及湖人有兴趣签Wayne Ellington

楼主: singleclub (劣币逐良币)   2014-09-04 12:04:52
NBA Rumors – Miami Heat, Chicago Bulls & Los Angeles Lakers Interested
in Signing Wayne Ellington
热火,公牛及湖人传出有兴趣签Wayne Ellington
There are still players worth signing in the NBA free agents market, and
Wayne Ellington just might be one of them. After being released by the
Sacramento Kings for cap reasons, the shooting guard might end up playing for
the Miami Heat, Chicago Bulls or the Los Angeles Lakers; all in need of a
backup at that position.
Ellington被国王释出后, 他对于SG深度较浅的球队如热火,公牛及湖人而言,
The 28th overall pick in the 2009 draft, Ellington was part of the North
Carolina team that won the national title that year. He began his career with
the Minnesota Timberwolves but besides his shooting ability from long range
(a career 43.8% shooter from deep) he has never been able to establish
himself as anything more.
简言之, 他的价值仍只在外线火力
Ellington has never been a starter, but until last season, he was always
getting somewhere between 15-20 minutes a night. A solid bench player,
constantly delivering a couple of 3′s per game. Last season with the Mavs he
played in only 45 games and averaged just 8.7 minutes a night, scoring 3.2
points per game. He did hit 44.8% of his 3-point attempts, but that was the
kind of season that’s usually followed by finding yourself playing overseas
or in the D-League.
Ellington在有限的上场时间内,算是个挺不错的板凳球员, 不过去年在小牛的表现,
看起来就像随时会消失在NBA, 跑去海外或NBDL的脚色
But there’s always need for good shooters in the NBA, even if it’s in a
very small role. Ellington might even get the chance to return to his playing
time from his first few seasons on the Timberwolves if the situation is right.
Right now the race for backup to Dwynae Wade is completely open. Shannon
Brown and Reggie Williams will be competing for that spot, but Ellington has
a chance to beat out both of them. The Chicago Bulls are going to keep
starting Jimmy Butler, but it’s pretty thin behind him if Tony Snell is to
start playing his original, small forward position. The Lakers do have Kobe
Bryant to start but who knows how bad or good his injury situation is, and
Xavier Henry is his only backup right now.
当你有一手够水准的外线, 你总是会有机会在NBA存活, 如果有适当的舞台,
在热火,公牛及湖人这三队, 由于SG深度欠缺, 他都将有机会去竞争第一替补!
Ellington won’t get too many chances to remain in the NBA. After not really
delivering anything special through the first five seasons in the league,
he'll have training camp and preseason with some team to prove he deserves a
shot to remain in the league, or start going through the process of
International or “minor league” basketball, hoping for someone to remember
him down the line and give him a shot.
Ellington必须设法在训练营或季前赛拿出好表现, 五年来起起伏伏剩余的机会已不多,
若没把握住他恐将开始"流浪之路", 翘首期待着再被看到的一天
作者: rl55586 (Lakers)   2014-09-04 12:11:00
湖人后卫这部分很满了吧 不如签逼死你补锋位
楼主: singleclub (劣币逐良币)   2014-09-04 12:14:00
快艇签下CDR & Udoh,禁区侧翼持续进补,这个邻居在新老板加持搭配Rivers的光环下,湖人会怕阵容已足或过满?
作者: AhUtopian (It's my Life)   2014-09-04 12:21:00
作者: foreseer (动手不动嘴)   2014-09-04 12:24:00
有可能是季中的备胎 但目前没他的位置 倒是公牛应该蛮哈的 有双塔+Rose+防守体系 补这只替补射手应该会加分
楼主: singleclub (劣币逐良币)   2014-09-04 12:31:00
还是疑惑,老大刚复出要操他35+时间? Henry亦同,Wes在
作者: louis16th (遛狗遛到日本去)   2014-09-04 12:32:00
还是不如签B-easy比较好 复活算赚到 没用也差~
楼主: singleclub (劣币逐良币)   2014-09-04 12:33:00
先发小前适合打多久? Swaggy超六上场很可能占SF打SG没有三分火力替补的需要?人手够(Randle替补打小前??)要是一开始就只栽培Kelly当高砲台? 期待都没有伤病!?
作者: yurian   2014-09-04 12:43:00
外线没有特准的 这只价值就在外线除非把nash当射手用
作者: o0991758566 (洨马力)   2014-09-04 12:53:00
好像有在试训Clark 我比较想要这只 比逼死里更好
作者: kuloda (kuloda)   2014-09-04 13:20:00
2号位应该有Kobe Henry Young 甚至Clarkson可以打吧1号有 Lin Nash Clarkson三个轮替 Kobe跟Henry可以打一下
作者: rl55586 (Lakers)   2014-09-04 13:22:00
Clarkson都已经上场时间可能不够多了 不需要在加一只
作者: kuloda (kuloda)   2014-09-04 13:23:00
3号大概只有Wesley跟Young可以打 偶尔Kobe代一下看看好像是3号位比较缺人轮替这只才6呎4吋而已 打SG都算是小号的了B-easy有6呎10 打小前替补应该是很好用 也可以帮内线忙
作者: o0991758566 (洨马力)   2014-09-04 13:31:00
还是找超人Clark回锅吧 他可能比Wes更适合打先发SF
作者: violing613 (house..my pet......)   2014-09-04 13:45:00
湖人有试训CLARK吗 听说是马刺在试 他打STRECH4较好
作者: ToBeGentle (没事找事(m))   2014-09-04 14:01:00
超人+1 比beasy还保险
作者: Verlander35 (Justin Verlander 35 )   2014-09-04 14:19:00
SF吗...今天看到Randle的训练照片 减重精实很明显@.@有点担心这样打PF对抗性会不会变低了...
作者: laidon (è³´è‘£)   2014-09-04 14:55:00
作者: micbrimac (shark)   2014-09-04 15:13:00
超人篮板机加三分 不错
作者: YamagiN (海在森林中长大)   2014-09-04 15:14:00
对抗性是来自于肌肉 不是体重
作者: Bigcookie2 (ミン)   2014-09-04 15:19:00
Ver大 你说的照片是在哪看的阿? 我也想看
作者: Verlander35 (Justin Verlander 35 )   2014-09-04 15:43:00
湖人推特 跑步机那张 不过又看和杀奎那张 感觉又还好XD
作者: Kreen (每天要更優秀一點)   2014-09-04 18:23:00
http://instagram.com/p/sf1YoyLOxW/ 左边 Sacre,右边是Randle,后者明显有瘦,但 Sacre 真的非常精实,之前看一篇说他体脂率只有 3 超扯。
作者: violing613 (house..my pet......)   2014-09-04 18:29:00
跑步机那张连手臂都变细了 话说好像Boo也变瘦 潮流?
作者: Kreen (每天要更優秀一點)   2014-09-04 18:49:00
作者: YamagiN (海在森林中长大)   2014-09-04 18:57:00
作者: poopoopipi (HU)   2014-09-04 23:26:00
作者: ShoMing (小小游戏设计师)   2014-09-05 08:13:00
作者: pttyeon (the one)   2014-09-05 09:03:00
b-easy6尺10?就不会25岁没人要了吧 不是说穿鞋6尺9而已
作者: hikaruton (Tonia~黄色希卡鲁)   2014-09-05 09:09:00
作者: joey1149 (Joey)   2014-09-05 09:42:00
b-easy穿鞋6'9 但是防守端横移太慢,守SF容易被吃
作者: kuloda (kuloda)   2014-09-05 10:54:00
我看热火网站是6呎9.5 维基是6呎10还有一篇文章说是6呎8.25
作者: WSnipes (正向思考)   2014-09-05 12:37:00
作者: goldenlen   2014-09-05 12:48:00
作者: ohnacl (喔氯化钠)   2014-09-05 14:29:00
作者: inzoo10 (啪奇在键盘上睡着了)   2014-09-05 17:22:00
记得选秀前报6'10 体测量6'8,灌水灌太大影响顺位
作者: Bigcookie2 (ミン)   2014-09-05 17:32:00
我只记的他偷摸队友的膝盖 很好笑XD
作者: Kreen (每天要更優秀一點)   2014-09-05 18:53:00
他没人要的原因跟身高关系不大,当初爆出来六呎八还是那么高顺被选走,没人要是因为连去年在热火有 Pat、LBJ 他都还被嫌练球不认真之类的,顶多看还有没有人要赌他天份。BTW他经纪人是说这暑假很努力,body shap 也是近年最好,看看有没有人要试试吧。
作者: Bigcookie2 (ミン)   2014-09-05 21:16:00
作者: foreseer (动手不动嘴)   2014-09-05 22:05:00
手上有个同为tweener F的高顺位新秀要养 除了老大NY受伤不然就算签了 他也没有稳定上场时间 复活的机率蛮小的
作者: kuloda (kuloda)   2014-09-05 23:47:00
Randle算是3 4号摇摆人吗?我感觉他打3号好像差有点多...
作者: o0991758566 (洨马力)   2014-09-06 09:45:00
作者: Royalweger (绝代之狂)   2014-09-06 14:24:00
作者: gm79227922 (mr.r)   2014-09-06 20:57:00
B EASY的问题在脑袋 战术理解有问题http://www.nownews.com/n/2013/04/12/293849
作者: YamagiN (海在森林中长大)   2014-09-06 22:44:00
应该去尼克跟阿骂 JR这种听不懂战术的一队
作者: miha80425 (ohsialay)   2014-09-07 08:43:00
以前Asik(英文不好)听不懂战术时 Lin都当翻译机...不过他的问题不只于此吧
作者: eileen86 (兜圈)   2014-09-07 09:13:00
作者: wangkun   2014-09-07 10:05:00
作者: papa7363 (所有的所有都是半调子)   2014-09-07 12:17:00
应该是用更简易的英文来解释吧~看过boozer跟拍那场听到海尔暂停时讲的东西...移动移动 别放弃别放弃...
作者: rl55586 (Lakers)   2014-09-09 11:32:00

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