hau (小豪)
2018-09-28 22:36:47※ 引述《hau (小豪)》之铭言:
: 我打中文,编译后出现:
: Process started
: xelatex
: : warning: running with administrator privileges
: Process exited with error(s)
: 未产生pdf档,请问这是哪出问题??
log 档如下:
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. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
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File: xeCJK.cfg 2018/04/30 v3.7.1 Configuration file for xeCJK package
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. Font family 'cwyen.ttf(0)' created for font 'cwyen.ttf' with options
. [Script={CJK}].
. This font family consists of the following NFSS series/shapes:
. - 'normal' (m/n) with NFSS spec.: <->"[cwyen.ttf]/OT"
. - 'small caps' (m/sc) with NFSS spec.:
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Package: amssymb 2013/01/14 v3.01 AMS font symbols
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LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathfrak' in version `bold'
(Font) U/euf/m/n
andrew43 (讨厌有好心推文后删文者)
2018-09-28 23:14:00检查插入png或使用question环境相关的原始码log档中开头为惊叹号的项目先看完来猜虫在哪里
sppmg (sppmg)
2018-09-28 23:50:00建议太长的 log 贴到 pastebin 这类网站。然后 log 从后往前找(LaTeX 通常出 error 就退出了),自己先练习一下
andrew43 (讨厌有好心推文后删文者)
2018-09-29 00:03:00很多IDE内建的快速编译会使用nonstopmode,出问题不卡住我通常会关掉,特别是在新案件的初期阶段