[闲聊] KOF XV TEAM Stroy文案有够长

楼主: kuwawa (庫瓦瓦)   2022-02-20 03:55:53
自以为英文很好, 可以看KOF XV STORY,
结果打开ASH TEAM 的STORY 才发现好长好多, 6大段约3000字
crucible: a ceramic or metal container in which metals or other substances may be
melted or subjected to very high temperatures.
run amok
phrase of amok
behave uncontrollably and disruptively.
"the kids are running amok around the house"
not a dry eye in the room: used to say that everyone in the audience in a theater or concert hall has
tears in their eyes
我以为动作游戏故事都是像以前华泰攻略本那样, 顶多两页就讲完的吔?
为了找到crucible of souls, 他来到KOF大赛
作者: waterlemon (Professor)   2022-02-20 08:32:00
日本游戏 其实要读日文 但我也不会日文, 就用日文去网页翻中翻英去意会了
作者: RuinAngel (左)   2022-02-20 09:53:00
作者: Js1233 (尸ㄒㄒ你真是杂碎)   2022-02-20 11:47:00
作者: v60701v (Flew Maple)   2022-02-20 15:24:00
作者: picklecak (鱼子酱)   2022-02-20 17:39:00
作者: SHIII3rd (SHIII3rd)   2022-02-20 18:13:00
CHAMPION 比星数 > 拳皇 I/V > 霸者 I/V > 达人 I/V >代理师父 I/V > 格斗家 I/V

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