What Jeremy Lin learned from watching Nets for 5 weeks
场边看了篮网比赛五周后, 林书豪学到些什么呢? http://tinyurl.com/grbdlfx
On Monday in Houston, Jeremy Lin and his balky left hamstring returned to the
court for the first time since Nov. 2.
昨天是林书豪跟他那仍无法舒展自如的左大腿, 自11/2以来的第一场球赛
Considering Lin had five weeks of rust on his game and just a single practice
under his belt, the Nets’ point guard was solid.
考量到林已经五周没打, 也只有过一次完整练习, 昨天他的表现着实值得信赖
And that’s because he wasn’t trying to be spectacular.
“After five weeks off, I was really thrilled,’’ said coach Kenny Atkinson,
who should see an even better Lin Wednesday against the Lakers. “You expect
a guy to be a little rusty, but I didn’t see that at all. He had great
energy, played with great poise and I was just happy that he didn’t try to
do too much.
阿金说:"五周的漫长等待, 我真的很兴奋, 本来是预期他会有些生疏, 但我全然没看到
那样的林书豪, 他能量满满并且从容镇定, 我并且很开心的看到他并没试着去做更多"
“He really got Brook [Lopez] the ball at the right time, running the
pick-and-roll at the right time, just that feel. Sometimes when you’re out
for a long time and you come back you’re anxious to do too much, especially
as ambitious as he is. I was just happy to see he did it within the team
concept, and I was really happy with his play.”
阿金又说:"林书豪真的总在对的时机把球传给Lopez, 也总在对的时机打挡拆, 就是那感
觉, 通常当一个人休息了一段很长的时间后, 一回到场上往往都会紧张的想要做很多很
多, 特别是像林书豪这样有企图心的人, 我真的很开心看到林书豪有按照球队方针去打
球, 他昨晚的表现我也很满意"
Lin’s play was better than even Brooklyn could have expected, partly because
it was understated and under control. He had 10 points, seven assists, three
rebounds, played solid defense and finished plus-17 in 20:04.
林书豪昨晚的表现超乎篮网的预期, 部分是因为低调以及都在控制范围内, 林上场20分钟
贡献出10分7助攻3篮板, 并且有着优秀的防守表现, 正负值 +17.
With him off the court, the Nets have been a minus-10.2 (per 100
possessions), but with Lin at the helm they have been a plus-6.1, according
to BasketballReference.com.
当林不在场上, 篮网每百回合净失分10.2, 有他在场每百回合则是正6.1
“Watching the team for five weeks, I’ve narrowed down what I need to do,’’
said Lin, whose minutes will increase gradually. “I just need to get us
organized on both ends of the floor, and I need us to be solid defensively
and get great shots on the offensive end.
林书豪说:"这五周的观看后, 我更精确的知道我需要做得是什么, 我只需要去做到统整
我们球队在攻防两端的阵势, 防守更出色, 攻击端有更多好的出手", 林的上场时间将会
“That sounds so simple, but mixing up play-calls and understanding different
lineups, where guys need the ball and making sure that happens at the right
time, that’s just part of being a point guard. I’m not trying to be flashy
or take over the game. That will come naturally if I’m hot one night, or they
’re giving me a certain thing that night. It’ll happen. But I don’t need
to go and seek it.”
林又说:"听起来简单, 但揉合不同的战术以及去了解不同的阵容组合, 队友们在哪边需
要球, 并确保都能在对的时机做到, 这就是控卫的职责, 我并不会想试着去打出漂亮的
身手或是去接管比赛, 只会在自然而然的状态下去那样做, 像是当晚我手感火烫, 或是
队友们需要我那样做时才会. 那样的我你们会看到的, 但我不需要刻意为之"
After seeming a step slow in the first half and unable to beat his man off
the dribble, Lin clearly found the game in the second half, when he had eight
of his points, five of his assists and got into the lane repeatedly. He was a
big reason the Nets shot 65.9 percent and went 23-for-28 in the paint for 46
在上半场发现节奏似乎慢了一步, 也不能利用运球甩开防守者后, 下半场林书豪就全然
的找到比赛节奏了, 下半场他拿下8分5助攻并不断的切入篮下, 他就是篮网下半场能有
65.9%命中率, 并且在禁区28投23中取得46分的主要原因
“I felt fine. In terms of my wind, I felt a lot better than I thought I
would. I just struggled with the rhythm, shots, the feel, and making reads,
stuff that in a couple games it’ll all come back,’’ Lin said. “First half
you practice all these shots, but I got in there and it was like shooting a
football. But it’ll come quick.
林说:"就切入的感觉上来说我觉得还不错, 比我预期要来的好, 但在比赛节奏, 出手,
比赛感觉跟解读比赛上我还有些挣扎, 但几场比赛后他们就会回来了吧, 上半场的出手
有点像是在丢橄榄球, 但手感不久后就会回到正常的"
“I don’t think my speed is all the way there, so that was an adjustment. My
burst of speed or getting by guys isn’t completely there yet. So you just
adjust and figure it out, like, ‘What do I do next?’ A lot of times that’s
getting those passes out quicker, or reading angles. I think that’ll come
back soon. I’m not worried.”
他又说:"我觉得我的速度还没完全回来, 所以我做出了调整, 爆发的速度或切过防守者
的能力还没回来, 所以就是去调整然后去想接下来要怎么做, 但不担心, 会回到正常的"
Neither are the Nets. They’re encouraged.
"吼吼吼", 篮网整个被林书豪的表现鼓舞了, 士气上升10点!
“He’s such a great leader and such a great facilitator, and brings great
energy to the floor. He has a great motor and that’s contagious, so it
definitely [lifts] us up to a new level,’’ said Lopez, who will benefit
from Lin, especially in the pick-and-roll.
Lopez说:"林书豪真是个很棒的领导者, 也是阵容里极佳的推进器, 他的上场替大伙带来
满满的能量, 他动力十足也富有感染力, 他真的让我们篮网提升到新的层级"
“That’s just the kind of player he is. He comes with great energy. His
aggression makes it a lot harder on opposing defenses. He’s fantastic at
getting in the paint and finishing, drawing a foul, attracting defenders and
kicking it out. There’s so many different things, so many different weapons
he has.”
Lopez又说到:"这就是林书豪, 他总是带着大大的能量, 他的积极也让对手在防守上更困
难, 在切入禁区 & 把球finish & 吸引犯规 & 吸引防守后摆脱上面也做得很出色, 他有
太多出色的地方, 技能表有太多不同武器了"