djviva (时鼠无奈)
2016-12-13 13:26:04Jeremy Lin plays well in return, but Nets can’t stop Harden, Rockets
回归第一战林书豪打得好, 但篮网挡不下胡子跟火箭
When it was the Nets and Jeremy Lin against the powerful Rockets, the Nets
were plus-17 on the scoreboard. When Lin was on the bench, the Nets were
minus-21 points.
当篮网与林书豪对上火力强大的火箭时, 篮网在得分板上的正负值是+17, 而当林书豪
在板凳区休息时, 篮网的正负值则为-21
The math didn’t quite add up for the Nets in a 122-118 loss to the Rockets
Monday night at Toyota center, but it was powerful evidence of the impact Lin
might make after returning from a 17-game absence because of a right
hamstring strain.
数学计算并没好好的反应在今天篮网122-118输给火箭的赛事上, 但却是一个关于因伤缺
赛17场后, 林书豪仍具有影响力的有力证明
The fourth quarter was a microcosm of the game. Lin entered for the final
4:56 with the Nets trailing by six points, and he led a 12-5 surge in which
he scored four points as the Nets took a 114-113 lead on a three-point play
by Trevor Booker with 2:20 left to play. The game was tied two more times,
but a series of Nets miscues in the final minute, including a Lin air ball,
allowed the Rockets to close it out.
第四节是这场比赛的缩影, 比赛剩下4:56时篮网落后6分, 林书豪于此时上场, 接着篮网
打出一波12-5攻势, 在2:20时Booker命中三分以114-113逆转战局, 林书豪在这波攻势贡
献了4分, 之后比赛平手了两次, 但因为篮网在最后关头的几次失误, 包含林书豪的三分
面包球, 只能让火箭捧走了今日比赛的胜果
Lin shook off the rust with 10 points on 4 of 8 shooting and had seven
assists. Brook Lopez led the Nets (6-17) with 26 points, Sean Kilpatrick
added 17, and Trevor Booker contributed 10 points and 13 rebounds. But the
Rockets (18-7) had James harden to fill the stats line with 36 points, 11
assists and eight rebounds, and Eric Gordon came off the bench to add 24
林书豪抖擞精神8投4中拿下10分7助攻, Lopez则是全队最高的26分, Kilpatrick 17分,
Booker 10分13篮板, 但火箭有着胡子缴出的36分11助攻8篮板, 以及EG的24分
Lin returned after just one full practice. “It’s been hard,” Lin said. “I
feel that if we had more opportunities to practice, I probably would have
done more practices, but it’s the middle of the season and we’re traveling
on road trips. I’ll have to make it work.”
归队前林书豪只做了一次完整练习, 他说:"真的很难, 如果我们能有更多练习机会的话
我应该会做更多练习, 但现在是季中而我们在做客场巡回赛事, 只能硬上了"
In Lin’s absence, Atkinson relied heavily on rookie Isaiah Whitehead as his
starter, and he often used natural two-guard Kilpatrick to run the point. The
coach was looking forward to a return to normalcy.
林书豪缺赛期间, 阿金相当倚赖菜鸟Whitehead来扛先发, 并且很常配上Kilpatrick来打
双卫, 阿金很希望能回到常轨
“We’ll start moving toward getting guys into their correct rotations,
putting guys in more comfortable spots,” Atkinson said. “We’ve had to move
around a lot of pieces. I just think it’s going to help our consistency,
give us a little more stability in our lineups and, of course, leadership.”
阿金说:"我们会开始让球员们回去到他们原本的位置, 让他们能在更舒适的点去发挥, 这
会移动很多人, 但我想这有助于我们的稳定性, 以及领导权"
It was clear Lin’s teammates were looking forward to his return. Center
Brook Lopez described him as “the guiding light.”
很显然的林书豪的队友们都很期待他的回归, Lopez形容林书豪是他们的"导航灯"
Lin, who played 20 minutes, did not starting but got into the game with 4:14
left in the first quarter after the Rockets had built an early 26-15 lead
with the benefit of eight Harden points. The Nets cut it to five on a Lin
layup that ended the first period. Lin returned to the bench, and the Rockets
opened the second quarter with a 14-3 run that pushed their lead to 43-28
when Clint Capela converted an alley-oop from Harden.
林书豪今天只打了20分钟, 没扛先发而是首节剩4:14火箭暂以26-15领先时从板凳出发,
之后在林的切入上篮得手后将落后缩减到5分来结束第一节; 第二节一开始林书豪没上场
, 火箭则用14-3的攻势展开第二节, 将领先扩大到43-28.
It was clear Lin was struggling to find his offensive rhythm, but again, when
he was on the floor for the final 4:56 of the second quarter, the Nets cut a
13-point deficit to 10 at halftime.
显而易见的林书豪还没能好好找到他自己的进攻节奏, 但当第二节剩下4:56秒林书豪再次
上场后, 篮网又把13分的落后缩减到只剩10分.