[外絮] 林不是初次承担领导角色, 而是首次扮老将

楼主: djviva (时鼠无奈)   2016-07-19 11:03:52
Brooklyn Nets: Jeremy Lin New to Being “old”, Not New to Leadership
林书豪不是初次承担领袖角色, 而是首次得扮演老将 http://tinyurl.com/gsz6pe8
It’s hard to think of Jeremy Lin as an old, experienced veteran, but it all
depends on the situation. With the Brooklyn Nets, he’s on the older half of
the roster, and part of his role next season isn’t just going to be pushing
the Nets on the court with his fast-paced style and aggressiveness, but also
being a leader to a young, untested group.
很难把林书豪看成一位年纪大了有经验的老将, 但这全都得视情况而定;
在篮网, 他属于年纪大的另一边, 而他下季的角色不仅仅是要用他快速的球风与侵略性来
推动整个篮网在球场上的表现, 还在在一群更年轻并且还没受过NBA洗礼的队友们面前,
Lin isn’t the only veteran on this roster. Luis Scola and Randy Foye, both
added in free agency, will be the 30+ guys on the roster. Scola will try to
give the Nets some decent minutes (15-to-20 a night?) like he did with the
Raptors, including his newly found 3-point shooting accuracy (hit 40.4% on
2.1 attempts a night last season, after basically avoiding them all year)
while not sucking on defense. Foye will backup both guard positions, will
give some defense, and maybe a little bit of his knack to come up with big
plays in the clutch, while hoping his 3-point shooting picks up, making only
30% of his outside shots last season, playing on the Nuggets and the Thunder.
篮网不是只有林书豪一位老将, 还有着Luis Scola跟Randy Foye, 他们俩都上30岁了.
Scola将会像在暴龙时那样, 在篮网打个15-20分钟左右的时间, 然后在不影响防守的状况
下发挥他新开发出来的三分技能(注: 上季三分出手161中65, 40.4%, 场均2.1命中)
Foye将会是PG跟SG的替补, 他能提供防守端的能量, 或许也可以在关键时刻想起三分球该
怎么出手, 上季他的三分命中率仅有30%
But both these players aren’t going to play meaningful roles. While veteran
leadership in the locker room is always good to have (and I’m guessing that’
s part of the reason Sean Marks signed the two of them), leadership really
manifests, or fails to deliver, with the players who spend most of the time
on the floor. It’s not exactly clear what the regular lineup for the Nets
will be during the regular season, but Jeremy Lin and Brook Lopez will be
但他们两个都不会是负责到重要的角色, 休息室跟场上的领袖往往不是同一个人, 新球季
篮网的固定先发阵容, 除了林书豪跟Brook Lopez之外都还无法真的确定
And this is also something semi-new to Lin, at least in a full time capacity.
Locked as the starting point guard. Locked as the main ball handler and
decision maker on offense. And also expected to lead this group, help mold it
into something that becomes a winning entity, hopefully even this year,
although don’t get your hopes up on too much success from the Nets in
2016-2017. It’ll be more about figuring out who is good enough to last down
the long and winding road to success.
而这现况对林来说也不算太陌生, 至少以一个主要掌控地位来说, 先发控卫, 主要持球者
, 球队场上攻势战略决定者, 林书豪还被期望去领导这团队, 被期望透过他来将篮网模造
出一支可以成为能赢球的队伍, 但不会是今年, 球迷们别太期待篮网今年就能取得很多的
成功; 今年更大的目标是去找出, 哪些球员够好到可以成为之后球队持续迈向成功之路的
Lin never had a problem being thrown into a bigger role and leading players,
young and old alike. He welcomed it, every time, and was disappointed it didn
’t happen more. It happened when he played for the New York Knicks in 2012,
thrown onto the court from the edge of the bench to deliver a wild ride and
gave Knicks fans their most fun moments in a very long time, which still haven
’t been surpassed. It happened when playing for the Rockets in the small
moments James Harden wasn’t playing, or was willing to let go. It happened
on the Hornets each time they turned to him. Had they done it more often,
especially in the playoffs, the postseason would have lasted a little bit
被派与更大角色跟更多领导责任, 对林书豪来说从来都不是问题, 相反的, 他乐于接受这
样的指派, 并且会对这样的状况不够多而感到失望.
2012在尼克时就这样过, 从板凳边边被丢上场, 然后引爆林来疯, 至今仍是尼克球迷们长
久以来最令他们难忘迷恋的美好时刻; 之后在火箭, 当胡子还没成为他队友时也曾有一小
段时间这样过; 在黄蜂时, 每当局势需要林书豪从板凳跳出来拯救蜂群时亦然, 如果他们
能更加的去倚赖林书豪, 特别是在季后赛时, 那他们的季后赛就能走得更远些
This will be different. Even if the Nets don’t get the kind of attention the
Knicks do in the New York press, it’s still New York, and Lin will be in the
spotlight every night, and not just for two months of the season, or once
every few games. But from smaller sample sizes, that kind of pressure and
attention has never bothered him. The only things that do are often being
yo-yoed by coaches and not given confidence from the coaching staff. On an
individual level, if he knows where he stands and knows what his job is
instead of guessing each night, he’ll be fine. From what his history in the
league tells us, the better he does, the better his teams do as well.
山遥路转情况不同了, 即使篮网不像尼克那般吸引到众多的目光, 篮网仍是支纽约的球
队, 而林书豪也将每晚都在大家的注目中活跃. 虽然之前的时间比较短只有两个月, 但
那样的压力跟镁光灯并不会使林书豪感到困扰. 唯一让他感到困扰的, 就只有教练没来
以个别球员标准来说的话, 如果林书豪总能清楚他会打的位置以及他需要做的事, 而不是
每晚都要猜今晚教练会要我做什么的话, 他就能打得好; 从他之前的纪录我们可以知道,
只要林书豪表现得更好, 那他所属的球队就会正向的更好
作者: jstar100 (xyz)   2016-07-19 11:07:00
作者: papa7363 (所有的所有都是半调子)   2016-07-19 11:12:00
如果林书豪总能清楚他会打的位置以及他需要做的事, 而不是每晚都要猜今晚教练会要我做什么的话, 他就能打得好哈哈,真是一语中的。原来还有美媒知道林过的"水"深"火"热
作者: JerrySloan (万年教练)   2016-07-19 11:22:00
作者: kuloda (kuloda)   2016-07-19 11:23:00
作者: casman (卡)   2016-07-19 11:23:00
推翻译~~~ 林你也老了啊 (指
作者: donnylee (制服OL控)   2016-07-19 11:26:00
作者: kuloda (kuloda)   2016-07-19 11:26:00
作者: casman (卡)   2016-07-19 11:35:00
大家对Bennett的上场时间都很乐观啊... 我是持保留态度
作者: BadGame (人生 欢乐易忘却执著痛苦)   2016-07-19 11:39:00
重新培养 加上牧师林 是真的希望水状元至少变专武来用用
作者: Koch (巧克力指挥部)   2016-07-19 11:49:00
作者: kuloda (kuloda)   2016-07-19 11:51:00
Bog Booker Lopez Vasquez Foye Scola Hamilton 都不年轻
作者: jasonnccu (平安健康就好)   2016-07-19 12:03:00
ab还真的很难看好..除非大转变bog booker lin lopez 就是今年主力 加rhj防守跟vasquez及scola及kilpatrick为主要轮替
作者: lee0128 (kokoko)   2016-07-19 12:18:00
不知不觉 林也变老将了
作者: soulfully (soulfulness)   2016-07-19 12:20:00
巅峰期被称老将,不太好的标签 =.=
作者: handlesome (人生如梦)   2016-07-19 12:20:00
期待又怕受伤害阿 Lin加油阿
作者: inschool (校工)   2016-07-19 16:58:00
作者: raune (raune)   2016-07-19 17:07:00
作者: eileen86 (兜圈)   2016-07-19 17:13:00
话说 和林同年的有Curry.KD.CP3.LF..... 他们也是老将囉?XDDCP3打错, 是CP25
作者: lee0128 (kokoko)   2016-07-19 17:40:00
呵呵 跟队友比起来的话XD
作者: qazxswptt (...)   2016-07-19 18:28:00
作者: Landius (原来我是漆原派啊)   2016-07-19 19:34:00
作者: Kaede520   2016-07-19 19:48:00
作者: miha80425 (ohsialay)   2016-07-19 20:55:00
作者: Peaks3000 (匹克斯)   2016-07-19 20:59:00
作者: boyd1014 (David)   2016-07-19 21:14:00
作者: cindy3589 (霎时心中一片空荡荡地)   2016-07-19 23:48:00
作者: nsmmsn (nsmmsn)   2016-07-20 00:22:00
"水"深"火"热 XD 老将Lin!!!
作者: hutten (荷腾)   2016-07-20 06:51:00
作者: jamesyu545   2016-07-20 07:41:00
不(布)老林 = =
作者: bhmok (無限的可能)   2016-07-20 08:25:00
不可老林 4ni?
作者: ChrisPaul03   2016-07-20 12:40:00
作者: Peaks3000 (匹克斯)   2016-07-20 13:01:00
作者: casman (卡)   2016-07-20 13:06:00

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