djviva (时鼠无奈)
2014-10-14 11:00:24Los Angeles Lakers – Jeremy Lin Not Playing Means Looking Terrible
没了林书豪的湖人看来真惨 http://tinyurl.com/lfw7xlq
Of all the preseason games we’ve seen so far this season, the Los Angeles
Lakers losing to the Golden State Warriors 116-75 has to be the worst so far.
Jeremy Lin didn’t play because of an injury. Is that the reason the team
looked pathetic from start to finish?
到现在为止看到的湖人季前赛, 上一场116-75大败给勇士无疑是最惨烈的一役, 这场林
书豪因伤缺赛, 但难道这就是湖人从开头到结尾都打的那么惨的原因吗?
The starting lineup for the Lakers – Kobe Bryant, Steve Nash, Wesley
Johnson, Jordan Hill and Carlos Boozer, all finished with a +/- varying
between -23 to -39 for Bryant. Nash missed all of his five field goal
attempts and played just 12 minutes. The backup unit did a lot better against
other backups, although it wasn’t the players the Lakers were hoping for to
see do well. Julius Randle finished with just 4 points on 2-of-7 from the
这场湖人的先发五人, 赛后正负值都是-23到-39, Nash只打了12分钟5投0中, 板凳相较
之下打的较为出色, 虽然这并不是湖人会希望看到的样子, 另外Randle 7投2中得4分
Robert Sacre with 12 points and Wayne Ellington with the same amount were
those who led the Lakers in an abysmal appearance of offense and especially
defense, which is going to be a problem all year long. Not having Lin on the
floor showed their offensive limitations as well. It doesn’t matter if Lin
is going to play most of his time with the bench unit. The Lakers are very
weak at point guard without him, because even on good days from Nash, he’s
not reliable to stay on the floor for more than 20-24 minutes without
breaking down.
在湖人惨不忍睹的攻势中, Sacre跟Ellington各拿下全队最高的12分, 除了惨淡的进攻
, 湖人的防守也格外悽惨, 防守这点看来会是困扰他们整个新球季的大问题. 场上没了
林书豪完全显现出湖人攻势有多侷限, 重点并非林书豪是否将会跟板凳阵容打上许多时
间, 只要林书豪不在场上, 湖人在控卫这点的弱势显而易见, 因为就算Nash状况好的时
Ronnie Price stole the show and not because of his nine points. He lost his
shoe and decided to use it in order to stop a fast break. Andre Iguodala
picked the ball up and raced forward on the counter. Price, running hobbled,
used the show and threw it at the ball, hoping to hit it and stop Iguodala
from finishing the fast break.
Ronnie Price偷走了场上所有人的目光成为焦点, 不是因为他拿到9分, 而是他丢鞋...
Iguodala started off the bench, as Steve Kerr is now trying out giving
Harrison Barnes the lineup spot, while Iguodala becomes the point forward
from the second unit. Not having a good backup point guard who can actually
handle the ball and be a floor general might reshuffle the rotation, which is
great news for Barnes, who has never been really accustomed to becoming a
bench player.
The Lakers need Lin maybe more than they expected. Kobe Bryant is going to
handle the ball a lot, but the team needs a point guard if they want the
players around Bryant to be actually happy. The first unit seems too slow and
stuck offensively when Nash and Bryant are in the backcourt. The second unit,
once Xavier Henry and Nick Young are back, led by Lin from the backcourt, has
the more interesting potential to actually do some damage for the Lakers
which make teams find it difficult to keep up with them.
湖人或许会比他们预期的更需要林书豪, Kobe将会掌握住大量球权, 但如果湖人想要围
绕在Kobe身旁的球员们能打得开心他们就真的需要一名控卫, 湖人现在有着Kobe跟Nash
在后场的第一阵容似乎太慢了些, 攻势也卡卡的. 等X.Henry跟Nick Young归队后, 林
书豪所带领的第二阵容将会有更令人感兴趣的天赋, 也较能替湖人在场上做出些对对手
的冲击, 对手也将会发现他们不太能跟的上湖人的第二阵容