djviva (时鼠无奈)
2014-10-14 10:30:21Jeremy Lin News: Likely Game-Time Decision For Thursday
周四对爵士的季前赛林书豪是否上场, 得当天才知道 http://tinyurl.com/nbpabqg
Jeremy Lin suffered a sprained ankle last weekend in practice, keeping him
out of Sunday’s blowout loss to the Warriors. On Monday, he returned to
practice in a limited fashion and head coach Byron Scott did not rule out a
possibility of a return to the court for Thursday night’s contest.
上周末练习时林书豪足踝扭伤, 导致周日对勇士的大败没上场, 周一他回来跟大家一起
练习, 但对于周四对爵士林书豪能否上场, 总教练Byron并不排除这可能性
Byron Scott gave Kobe and Nash the day off. Jeremy Lin did not practice and
is 50-50 for Thursday's game.
Byron Scott said Jeremy Lin will be game time decision Thurs vs Utah. Lin did
not do any work today
随队记者M表示: Byron让Kobe跟Nash好好休息不让他们参加练习, 林书豪也是, 对于周四
打爵士的比赛林书豪上场的机率是50-50, Byron同时也表示得到当天赛前才能知道林书豪
会不会上场比赛, 今天并没让林书豪做任何训练
The Lakers have rightly taken the recovery process of not just Lin, but
fellow Lakers Xavier Henry and Ryan Kelly, slowly. With the regular season
not kicking off until the end of the month, the Lakers are in no need to
hurry along recoveries.
湖人正努力恢复球员们的健康状况, 除了林书豪之外还有X.Henry跟R.Kelly, 因为离开
季还有些时间, 所以湖人可以慢慢来
At the same time, the Lakers are already in a mini-crisis at the point guard
spot, with their top three options all out with injuries. Steve Nash sat out
last night’s contest after playing in the first quarter in what he called a
precautionary move. Jordan Clarkson suffered a calf strain in last Thursday’
s match, but could return to the court this Thursday.
同时湖人在控卫这点上已经陷入了小小的危机, 他们最好的三名控卫全都有伤病问题.
Byron Scott says it's more likely that Jordan Clarkson would play in Sunday's
game versus Thursday's.
Byron说比起周四的季赛前, J.Clarkson比较有可能在周日那场归队
Regardless, it’s imperative to keep in mind this is the preseason, meaning
the results don’t matter. As few point guards as the Lakers have, it’s
better to have none now and all during the regular season. Equally important,
though, is that the point guards get comfortable with their teammates, giving
the Lakers a trick decision.
无论如何, 重点是要提醒自己现在只是季前赛, 所以比赛结果是无关紧要的, 湖人有的
控卫不多要好好珍惜开季后才有的用, 另一个同样重要的点, 就是要确保控卫们都能和
队友处的愉快配合的好, 这样新球季湖人才有希望