[外絮] Is Jeremy Lin ready to shine with the

楼主: djviva (时鼠无奈)   2014-10-03 11:29:41
Is Jeremy Lin ready to shine with the Lakers? http://tinyurl.com/of7w5ep
紫金林书豪准备要大放异彩了吗? (节略翻译, 避免重复先前大家都看过的)
Jeremy Lin is the most intriguing addition to take a look at, and could be
looking at a huge season now that he is going to be getting big minutes in a
big market once again.
(休赛季湖人所新添的球员中)林书豪是最令人感兴趣的一位, 而将在LA这大市场获得
大量上场时间的他, 也很可能再次豪风再现
Jeremy Lin ended up playing in 71 regular season games with the Houston
Rockets last season, starting in just 33 of those appearances. He averaged
12.5 points, 4.1 assists, and 2.6 rebounds per game, while shooting 44.6
percent overall from the floor and 35.8 percent from behind the three-point
arc. Those numbers aren’t shabby at all for a bench player, and he was a
huge reason that the Rockets were as good as they were.
上一季林书豪替火箭打了71场球, 只有33场是先发, 12.5分4.1助攻2.6篮板以及44.6%
命中率跟35.8%三分命中率, 这些数据对于一位板凳球员来说并不糟, 而且林书豪应该
There have been some issues with Jeremy Lin throughout his career, especially
in the turnover department. He turned the basketball over 2.5 times per game
last season, and that will be something to keep an eye on this year in L.A.
That issue is something that can be worked on with the Lakers’ coaching
staff, and as he continues to play more that will improve as well.
林书豪仍有些需要改善的课题, 特别是失误, 上一季场均失误2.5次, 新球季大家都会
盯着看有没有变好, 但这应该会是湖人教练团能协助处理的问题, 并且这失误问题应该
Los Angeles desperately needs to receive a big season from Jeremy Lin and he
understands that he is a major key for their playoff chances. It isn’t
likely that the Lakers will compete for the playoffs in the West, but they
certainly believe that they have a shot. Jeremy Lin will be asked to score
consistently as mentioned before, and he will also be asked to set up his
teammates with good passing.
湖人非常需要林书豪在新球季大展身手, 林自己也清楚他是湖人能否打入季后赛很关键
的因子, 虽然现在看来湖人不太可能再西区季后赛有啥作为, 但湖人深信他们还是有机
会的, 所以林书豪除了会被要求更稳定的提供火力之外, 还需得发挥他出色的助攻本领
替队友们创造出easy shot的机会
All of that being said, this season appears to be a very good chance for
Jeremy Lin to prove himself once again to the rest of the NBA. He is playing
on one of the biggest stages in the history of the NBA, and he is playing
alongside one of the best to ever play the game. Expect to see a big season
from Jeremy Lin.
总而言之, 这一季对林书豪来说会是一个再次向全NBA证明自己非常棒的机会
真是期待啊! 球季怎么还没开始呢? 好想要看湖人拆解火箭扯掉胡子柳 >"<
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