1. 开季应该是Nash先发, 状态很好 (还可以fadeaway), 可以看到对位上是林对Nash
Kobe, Nash, Wes, Hill, Boozer vs. Lin, Randle, Clarkson, Sacre, Young
2. 协防过深老习惯没改
3. 可能对新队友不熟, 冲进去被卡死传球出去时被截断
4. 球到Swaggy 就回不来了 = =
几条Twitter (都从Serena Winter)
1. How tough is Byron Scott's training camp in comparison to others Jeremy Lin
has been a part of? "This one's the hardest one, definitely."
2. Lin: "One the length, very long. Two, I think it's very intensive towards d
efense & running & that just takes it's toll on your body.
3. Byron Scott on Jeremy Lin: "I love the way he pushes the ball in the open f
loor. He hasn't disappointed me at all."
4. Byron Scott says he's really liking what he's seeing from Jeremy Lin.