Re: [外絮] Jeremy Lin proves he's not sloppy

楼主: djviva (时鼠无奈)   2014-07-12 22:47:26
※ 引述《Miralles (褰裳)》之铭言:
: 休斯顿媒体界的大林迷Chris Baldwin当然不会在这么大的事件里保持沉默
: 就算林要离开了,这两年来真的感谢他持续的为林说话
: 急着出门吃晚餐,只能在路上用手机读这篇文章了,希望有强者能分享翻译 XD
Jeremy Lin proves he's not sloppy seconds: Wins big with Lakers trade as
Chris Bosh plays Rockets for fools
林书豪证明了他不是随便的龙套球员:他在湖人的交易中获益, 而火箭则被霸诩当白痴耍
Anyone who assumed Jeremy Lin would be sentenced to a purgatory of irrelevancy
is in for a rude awakening. The Houston Rockets' disastrous — and ultimately
futile — Chris Bosh chase that prompted them to deal their most talented
point guard to the LA Lakers guarantees Lin will continue to be a major
player in the NBA.
曾认为林书豪将会遭受蔑视对待的人, 都会明白这想法实在太粗糙. 火箭那灾难性且徒劳
无功的霸诩追求戏, 促使他们将阵中最有天赋的控卫送到了湖人, 最终让林书豪得以继续
Jeremy Lin clearly wins with this move, going to one of the NBA's all-time
premier franchises — one that's still committed to winning now with Kobe
Bryant, one that desperately needs a point guard with Steve Nash's career in
serious doubt. Meanwhile, the Rockets suffer a disaster that makes their
first round playoff flop against Portland suddenly seem like anything but the
low point.
这次的交易林书豪明显的是大赢家, 新球队湖人, 是支有光荣传统的豪门球队, 也是支应
许Kobe会继续追求胜利的球队, 更是支在Nash健康亮红灯时迫切需要控卫的球队. 同时,
送出首轮签给湖人的火箭, 现在大家都笑他猪八戒
How low can Daryl Morey and the Rockets go now? How about losing their best
point guard (a player in Lin who hasn't come close to showing his best yet),
the best backup center in the league in Omer Asik and possibly the now
somewhat overrated but still valuable Chandler Parsons in the matter of days?
With nothing to show for it.
Morey跟火箭现在有多蠢猪咧? 想想他们失去了阵中最好的控卫, 失去了啊喜这个最好的
替补中锋, 更别提跟进CP那张小牛给的毒药合约后大家笑他们有多蠢
诗曰:莫胖妙计安天下, 赔了书豪又折西 (Landius大提供)
That's reality staring the Rockets in the face.
现实是残酷的, 去年是八奇, 今年是八戒
The out-of-touch, brief joy in Houston over Lin leaving reflects more Lin
Only Haters glee than NBA truth.
只有林酸跟现实脱节看不清真相, 在那边因为林书豪离开而爽嗨
The Rockets are left with a mismatched roster, lacking both a quality point
guard (no Patrick Beverley, the NBA's modern day Bill Laimbeer level pest,
does not qualify), a legit power forward and enough rebounding. Lin escapes
Rockets coach Kevin McHale though — and a Houston franchise that clearly
never would have given him a real chance at reaching his potential.
目前的火箭阵容很不协调, 少了好控卫也缺了大前锋跟足够的篮板, 林书豪从冰箱身旁
逃开了, 逃离了这位从没给他真正能发挥潜力机会的总教练
If you're stunned by how quickly things turned on the Rockets, you simply
haven't been paying close enough attention. Bosh completely played Morey and
the Rockets to get a better deal out of the team he wanted to be with all
along, just like he did in 2010. NBA players are clearly put off by the way
Morey treats any player not named James Harden or Dwight Howard as nothing
more than a disposable number. The classless use of Lin's still-in-use No. 7
Rockets jersey in the always doomed pursuit of Carmelo Anthony didn't go
unnoticed around The Association.
如果你最近在忙没跟上剧情发展的话, 来~给你前情提要:
(1) Morey被Bosh彻底耍了, (2) 火箭用林书豪的背号去向甜瓜献媚失败
It's easy to imagine Morey stepping up to a microphone in a few days and
telling his horde of Houston media sycophants that the Rockets are clearing
space for next summer's free agent class. The splash is still coming. Just
wait. That's Morey always spinning, forever buying himself more time.
现在Morey在干啥不难想像, 他一定再跟休媒说火箭薪资空间都清好了明年夏天的任意球
员市场绝对没问题!请大家耐心等待! 他总是搞这套
Jeremy Lin no longer has to concern himself with the Rockets warped world
(maybe Chris Bosh realized that the Rockets GM despises mid-range jumpers,
the staple of his own game). Lin joins a Kobe who knows he needs help, a Kobe
who gained respect for Lin's game after that 38-point Madison Square Garden
night. He joins a Lakers franchise whose championship tradition isn't 20
years past like the Rockets' supposed one.
没差, 林书豪现在已经不再需要跟扭曲的火箭世界扯上关系, 他成了Kobe的队友, 而Kobe
了解他需要队友协助, 在当年尼克主场林书豪对战湖人砍下38分后也获得了Kobe的尊重,
The only thing that could be better for Jeremy Lin is if Mike D'Antoni, his
old Knicks coach, had stayed with the Lakers.
如果, 蛋东尼能是湖人的总教练, 就....更好了
Jeremy Lin Free At Last
无论如何, 林书豪终于自由啦!!
This is a great opportunity for Lin to grab the kind of consistent minutes
and starting role he always deserved, the chances that McHale relentlessly
refused to give him.
去湖人真的是绝棒的好机会, 让林书豪终于能有稳定的上场时间跟他一直想要的先发位
置, 而这些都是莫胖不肯给的
The Lakers absolutely played the Rockets in this trade just like Bosh played
them in free agency. The Rockets told everyone they'd only trade Lin if they
could land Bosh or Melo, but Morey assumed too much on Bosh (perhaps he
bought into his own shrewd dealer press clippings) and jumped too soon on
Lin. Sensing Morey's desperation to make another big splash, the Lakers
fleece Houston out of Lin, getting a borderline All-Star level talent, a big
expiring contract and a first round draft pick in one fell swoop.
就像Bosh耍了火箭一样, 湖人也在这交易里彻底的戏弄了火箭. 记得吗?先前火箭那样
誓誓旦旦的跟所有人说只在他们确定能签下Bosh或是甜瓜后, 才会交易掉林书豪, 但莫
胖对于Bosh想的太多, 导致对林书豪的安排乱了节奏, 而抓住了莫胖亟欲招揽另一大腿
心态的湖人, 就这样从莫胖手中诈走了具有全明星等级天赋却只有一年到期约的林书豪
, 以及明年受保护的首轮签~ (注:明年火箭入季后赛生效, 约首轮20th左右)
Who are Morey and McHale going to blame now when they once again flame out in
the first few days of May?
The Rockets did not fail to get more for Jeremy Lin because that's what his
value dictates. They failed to get more for Lin because the front office
panicked in its zeal to land Bosh.
明年如果火箭又在季后赛首轮输球, 莫胖跟冰箱, 能怪谁呢?
火箭没能从林书豪身上获得更多能帮助球队的特质, 那是因为球队限制了林的发挥
火箭没能从林书豪身上获得更多, 完全是因为这次的霸诩追追追
Now Houston's reeling. And Jeremy Lin is reborn.
现在, 火箭麻烦大了, 而林书豪则是莫胖冰箱啼不住, 轻舟已过万重山哇哈哈哈!!
Still only approaching his 26th birthday, Lin's now been a member of two of
the most storied franchises in NBA history in the Lakers and Knicks and one
of the most internationally known in the Rockets. That's quite a run for a
Harvard guy who went undrafted because of prejudices against Asian players.
即将过26岁生日的书豪已经待过湖人尼克这两大传统豪门, 还有另一支火箭..就别提了
林迷们! 让我们再次跟着林书豪, 继续这林来疯的热力篮球路跑吧!! (喔喔!!)
Considering Lin could have ended up in complete rebuild situations in
Philadelphia or, much worse, Milwaukee, going to a franchise like the Lakers
represents a huge win.
比起先前可能去的76人或是公鹿, well, 没冒犯的意思, 但去湖人真的对书豪比较好
Freed from McHale's disrespect and discounting and a general manager who
clearly begrudged the fact Rockets owner Leslie Alexander pushed him to sign
Lin after that disastrous Christmas Eve cutting, Lin gets the chance for a
real fresh start.
风风雨雨, 火火箭箭, 都过了...
坏掉的冰箱? 丢掉!! 不follow老板心意来好好对待书豪的总仔? 丢掉!!
It's easy to imagine Lin becoming a fan favorite in LA, pushing the ball and
getting Kobe and Swaggy P plenty of good shots, and ending up lasting more
than one year with the Lakers. Lin's much more than just an expiring
contract. He's a difference maker.
未来, 穿上紫金球衣的书豪会受到LA球迷们的喜爱这一点大家应该都不难想像, 他会巧妙
的控球妙传, 让Kobe跟Swaggy有一大串easy shot的好机会, 并且在湖人呆上不止一个球
季, 因为林书豪对湖人来说, 不仅仅只是一张好用的到期约, 他是一个比赛创造者!
For all the usually ridiculous criticism Lin took in Houston, the Rockets
easily could have been swept without him against Portland. Troy Daniels hits
a great shot to win Game 3, but Lin's heady Larry Bird play that makes the
shot possible is much more difficult than the open three itself. Then in Game
5, with Harden again once again completely lost, Lin drops in 21 points and
drives the Rockets to playing team ball in their only other series win.
至于那些林书豪在休士顿常受到的脑残批评, 让我们这样说吧! 没有林书豪, 火箭首轮就
会被阿拓横扫了宝贝! 是的, 第三战砍下致胜三分的是T.Daniels, 但没有林书豪先拼
命弄下那颗球权并且妙传, T.Daniels会有空档砍那颗三分吗? 何况跟那颗制胜三分相比,
林书豪那次拼抢, 难度可是高多了! 还有第五战, 胡子再次打的爆烂, 没有林书豪的21
分以及他促使火箭一起打团队篮球, 那场, 会赢吗??
Who are Morey, McHale and Harden going to blame now when they once again
flame out in the first few days of May?
明年季后赛首轮, 又败北时(没了林), 莫胖冰箱跟胡子, 要让谁去领绳自尽咧?
Jeremy Lin is finally free and gone — and the Rockets problems are bigger
than ever.
耶! 超爽der!! 绳子没法再交给林书豪囉!! 休士顿, 你˙麻˙烦˙大˙囉!!
作者: patrickleeee (派脆)   2014-07-12 22:52:00
居然发洗澡卡XD 第二段呢(敲碗)
作者: yachuyachu33 (明天会更好)   2014-07-12 23:00:00
谢谢翻译 :)
作者: patrickleeee (派脆)   2014-07-12 23:01:00
作者: bluesunflowe   2014-07-13 00:05:00
作者: SuperShangXD (湘民)   2014-07-13 23:39:00
翻译的超棒der 推!!!

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