djviva (时鼠无奈)
2014-06-10 10:37:43Best Potential Trade Destinations for Jeremy Lin and Omer Asik
林书豪 & 阿喜最好的潜力交易方案 - 湖人篇 http://tinyurl.com/qe6ormr
The Houston Rockets have made strides, but they're looking to take another
step. They aren't NBA championship contenders just yet.
General manager Daryl Morey will no doubt be exploring a number of options
this summer, and one of those options is trading point guard Jeremy Lin and
center Omer Asik.
火箭先前已经有了许多进展, 但他们还会再寻求下一步的调整改变, 因为他们还不算是
个有能力挑战总冠军金杯的咖. 毫无疑问的总经理Morey今夏会做出许多调整, 其中最
引人注目的就是交易走林书豪跟阿喜 (其下的原因恕我不再赘述, 跟先前一样)
1. Los Angeles Lakers 紫金湖人 http://tinyurl.com/mfu4vln (照片放的真不好..)
The Lakers could absorb Lin and Asik without matching salaries, as they'll be
well under the cap. That means that could acquire them in exchange for draft
picks or in any number of sign-and-trade arrangements—though the Rockets
would probably prefer just to receive a pick or two to maintain their own cap
有着足够的薪资空间的湖人一次吞下林书豪跟阿喜绝对不成问题, 要做的只是用选秀签去
跟火箭换, 或是任何先签后换的安排都ok, 但火箭应该较偏爱拿到1~2个选秀签来保持自
身薪资空间的弹性啦~ (下一段差不多, 略过)
Los Angeles needn't actually deal a player to the Rockets, because it's so
far under the cap. It could simply send a pick or two to Houston along with a
very hefty trade exception. They'd only need to work out a sign-and-trade if
the Rockets really wanted a player (e.g. Kent Bazemore) in return.
From L.A.'s standpoint, there's a lot to like about getting two players as
essentially one-year rentals.
从湖人的角度来看, 一次吸收书豪阿喜这两位只剩一年到期约的球员是有很多好处的
The club is really looking to save its cap space for the summer of 2015. By
then, Lin and Asik will be free agents. The organization could simply let
them go as it pursues more premier talent, or it could re-sign one or both to
more cap-friendly deals.
如大家知道的(吧?), 湖人想留好薪资空间来等2015夏天干摊大的, 所以咧, 那时林书豪
跟阿喜都会成为自由球员, 也就是放走or重签两相宜
In the meantime, the Lakers would get some needed talent.
同时, 湖人也会需要在阵中添加些有天赋的球员
If Pau Gasol goes elsewhere, a center like Asik becomes vital. He's also an
exceptional defender and would go a ways in restoring the club's defensive
identity after the debacle that was last season. Recall that Asik averaged a
double-double a season ago. He's steady and reliable—not the sexiest name in
the NBA, but a workhorse who gets the job done.
如果Pau Gasol今夏闪人了, 那么阿喜这样的中锋对湖人来说就是很需要的, 同时也是杰
出防守者的阿喜还能帮湖人残破的防守补血呢~ 大家还记得吗? 阿喜上一个球季可是有
著得分double篮板double的数据呢, 他既稳定又可靠, 虽然Omer Asik不是联盟最性感的
名字(正解: 不是最吸引人的), 但他却是匹总能好好做好份内工作的工作马!
Meanwhile, Lin would provide some needed insurance with Steve Nash's
vulnerability to injury. He has enough experience to lead the team in a
pinch, and he's used to sharing the backcourt with a dynamic scorer. Lin
wouldn't have any problem deferring to Kobe Bryant, and the two may have
solid chemistry with one another from day one.
话说两头, 林书豪对湖人来说, 则是Steve Nash伤退时的保险, 林书豪有足够的经验在球
队需要时带领大家冲出头, 并且林书豪也很习惯跟好动的火砲手共享后场球权...(杯伤)
, 在跟胡子这样的无私球员同队两年后, 林书豪去跟Kobe搭配肯定更没问题, 他们俩或许
If nothing else, the Lakers could use another fan favorite. Lin would
certainly be that.
没其他状况的话, 林书豪的加盟也会替湖人带来更多球迷的喜爱