Lyevna (Lyevna)
2013-06-29 17:08:40※ 引述《squarerinoa (樱)》之铭言:
: 饭店网址http://www.gate-hotel.jp/chinese/
: 我下订了房间之后~想说应该会有先付款项的页面
: 结果都没有~只EMAIL给我订房编号
: 有大大们能帮我看一下有没有信用卡先付费订房的页面吗?(我是英文跟日文白痴@@)
: 很怕到时候去了结果住不了就....悲剧
: 麻烦大家了~谢谢
: PS:代订网站(AGODA ETC...)订不到3人房 只有官方网页才可以
: *For safety and security reasons the front entrance will be closed from
: 1am to 6am. For guests arriving late,
: there is an interphone for you at the right of the front entrance.
: (If you have a room key, please touch the censor with your card to open
: the door.)
(若你有房间钥匙, 请用钥匙碰触感应器开门)
: *We will ask for your credit card or cash deposit when you check in.
当你check in入住时会要你的信用卡或是现金。
: *The hotel may contact you to confirm your reservation.
饭店会联络你确认你的预约 。
: *There will be no cancellation fee if the cancellation occurs one day before
: the stay. If the cancellation occurs on the day of the stay, 50% of the
: initial reservation fee shall be paid. If there were no contact regarding
: the cancellation, 100% of the initial reservation shall be paid.
: 上面是EMAIL的内容~看不懂~其他看得懂的都没提到要怎样付费(都没附连结)
: 因为是确定要住这间的~要是饭店用意是人到再CHECK IN 应该...
所以应该是check in的时候才要付款。
以上 XD
楼主: Lyevna (Lyevna) 2013-06-29 17:27:00
作者: sachiho (Sachiho) 2013-06-29 19:46:00
作者: sachiho (Sachiho) 2013-06-29 19:49:00