ytteb 2014-10-17 20:57:09曲目(Numbers)
#0 Prologe #1 The Master’s song
(1a Jonathan’s Arrival)
#2 Solitary Man (2a Jonathan’s Bedroom)
#3 Whitby Bay (3a Underscore)
#4 Dracula’s Exit
#5 Forever young #6 Fresh Blood
(6a Transition Blood to Asylum)
#7 The Master’s song #8 Last man standing
(8a Transition and Underscore 8b Intro to How do You Choose)
#9 How Do You Choose
#9A Lucy & Dracula-I #10 The Mist #10B The Mist Reprise
(10a Underscore)
#11 She #11A At Last #11B A Perfect Life/Loving You Keeps Me Alive
(/Whitby Bay Reprise)
#12 Weddings
(12 Wedding 12a Wedding to Salon 12b Transition to Lucy's Bedroom)
#13 Invitation (13a Lucy & Dracula-II)
#14 Nosferatu Ricit
#14A Nosferatu
#15 Lucy’s Funeral
#16 Life After Life
#16A Entr’Acte (16b Lucy With Child) #17 Undead One
#18 Please Don’t Make Me Love You
(18a Salon to Asytlum)
#19 Master’s Song Reprise
#20 If I hd Wings #21 Mina’s Seduction #22 It’s Over
(22a It's Over Play Off & Transition)
#23 You Have My Word #24 Before The Summer Ends
#25 Train Seruence #26 Deep In The Darkest Night #27 The Longer I Live
#27A Quincy’s Death
#28 At Last #29 Finale #30 Bows
*nosferatu (非英文)吸血鬼
*life after life 生生世世/生命不息
*undead one 不死生物/不死族
场景列表(Scene List)
M = Mina (米娜,女主角)
L = Lucy(露西,米娜的好朋友)
V = Van Helsing(凡赫辛)
D = Dracula(德古拉,男主角)
J = Jonathan(乔纳森,米娜的未婚夫)
A = Arthur(亚瑟,露西情人)
JA = Jack(杰克,露西爱慕者)
Q = Quincy(昆西,露西爱慕者)
E = Ensemble
VG = Vampire Girls(所谓的吸血鬼新娘)
R = Renfield
║ 场景 ║ 场地 ║ 曲目 ║ 出场人物 ║
║ 上 半 场 ║
║ 1 ║Asylum (精神病院) ║#0 ,#1 ║ VG,R ║
║ 2 ║Castle_Great Room (城堡_大厅) ║#2 ║ J,D ║
║ 3 ║Castle_Jonathan’s Room ║#3 ║ M,J,D ║
║ ║(城堡_乔纳森的房间) ║ ║ ║
║ 4 ║Castle_Jonathan’s Room ║ ║ ║
║ ║(城堡_乔纳森的房间) ║ ║ ║
║ 5 ║Castle_Jonathan’s Room ║#4 ║ J,D ║
║ ║(城堡_乔纳森的房间) ║ ║ ║
║ 6 ║Castle (城堡) ║#5 ║ J,VG ║
║ ║ ║#6 ║ D,J,VG ║
║ 7 ║Asylum (精神病院) ║#7 ║ R,V,E ║
║ ║ ║#8 ║ V,E (D) ║
║ 8 ║The Garden at Whitby Bay(Day) ║#9 ║L,M,Q,JA,A║
║ 9 ║The Garden at Whitby Bay(Night) ║#9A ║(L,D) ║
║ ║ ║#10 ║ L,M ║
║ ║ ║#10B ║(M) ║
║ 10 ║Train Station(车站) ║#11,#11A,#11B ║ M,D(注) ║
║ ╠════════════════╬═══════╬═════╣
║ ║Church(教堂) ║#12 ║J,M,L,A,Q ║
║ ║ ║ ║JA,D ║
║11,12 ║Arthurs(Lucy)’s Room ║#13 ║V,M,L,A,Q ║
║ ║ ║ ║J,VG (D) ║
║ 13 ║Grave Yard(墓园) ║#14,#14A,#15, ║J,M,L,A,Q ║
║ ║ ║#16 ║JA,D,V,E ║
║ 下 半 场 ║
║ 1 ║Mausoleum(陵墓) ║#16 ║L,V,J,M, ║
║ ║ ║#17 ║A,Q,JA (D)║
║ 2 ║The Street(街道) ║#18 ║J,M,V ║
║ ║ ║ ║ ║
║ 3,4 ║Asylum (精神病院) ║#19 ║M,J,R,JA,V║
║ ║ ║ ║E,D ║
║ 5 ║Arthurs’s Parlor(亚瑟家客厅) ║#20,#21,#22 ║M,J,A,JK, ║
║ ║ ║ ║V (D) ║
║ 6 ║Arthurs’s Parlor(亚瑟家客厅) ║#23 ║M,J ║
║ ║ ║#24 ║A,JA,V ║
║ 7 ║Mina(Jonathan)’s Bedroom/ ║#25 ║M,V, ║
║ ║The Courtyard of The Castle ║#26 ║D,J, ║
║ ║ ║#27 ║A,JA,Q,E ║
║ 8 ║The Courtyard of The Castle ║#27A ║D,J,A, ║
║ ║(城堡庭院) ║ ║JK,Q ║
║ 9 ║The Courtyard of The Castle ║#28 ║M,V,D,J, ║
║ ║(城堡庭院) ║#29,#30 ║A,J,Q,E ║
以上没有括号的非中文内容来自The Musical Dracula的program book
括号内的内容为修正或翻译 或是program book上没有的
(虽然说是program book 但是跟我们平常拿到的节目表不一样 它真的是书)
抱歉因为BBS排版关系 曲目跟人物在场景表里只用序号跟字母表示
注: program book上写M,D,J,VG 但实际上应该只有Mina跟Dracula