Re: [问题] 美国网购订单被扣(透过集货代运)

楼主: ShopJKL (ShopJKL)   2020-08-29 09:05:23
※ 引述《frogangelar (蛙蛙)》之铭言:
: 请问有版友遇过这种状况吗?
: 跟美国知名户外用品网站下订单
: 地址就填代运业者在美国境内的集货仓
: 却收到订单被扣的通知,及以下信件,
: 请问该怎么回信才不会被砍单呢?
: 不知有没有版友有经验可以提供建议,感谢
: 以下信件原文:
: ————————————————————-
: We apologize, but your order has temporarily been placed on hold. Certain elem
: ents of your order indicate that your item(s) may be exported. Prior to ship
: ping your order, we need to verify that the ordered item(s) will not be leavin
: g the United States without the valid authorization or export license issued b
: y the U.S. Government. Please answer the following questions (by responding t
: o this email) to aid in processing your order:
基本上是牵涉管制器械、精密仪器、技术产品等牵涉战略性、贸易限制或制裁 (Sanction) 等商品,就会要求填写的制式问卷。
: 1) Who is the end user of the product(s) you have ordered?
: 2) What is the end use of the product(s) you have ordered?
: 3) Where is the final destination of the product(s) you have ordered? (Please
: respond with a city and country)
: 4) Why was your order submitted internationally?
: 5) Why is your order shipping to a freight forwarder?
: Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Once we receive this information vi
: a email at [email protected], we will continue processing your order.
: Please note that your order is currently on HOLD. We would greatly appreciatea
: response within 7 days of the original status update email. If we do not hear
: from you by then, we will proceed with the cancellation of your order. Unfort
: unately, the cancellation of your order may result in reallocation of this ite
: m(s) to another customer. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause!—
: ——————————————————————
: Ps1. 我购买的商品是单纯的登山用品(头灯、鞋子、水袋)非列管中的禁运品
是否为列管中的禁运品并不能靠主观感觉就下决定,我自行整理与研究过的限制寄送商品项目就超过 50 种,但也完全不敢针对任何一个品项断下定论,也常常遇到靠这个吃饭的报关业者判断失准,更何况这是牵涉不同国家与政府体系的规范。
: Ps2.有先咨询集货代运业者,但对方姿态摆很高,要我自己想办法,说他们没有义务要协
: 助我(ー ー;)!
但这种状况应是属于出口调查与申报、国际贸易的范畴,出口人 (原Po) 有 100% 的责任,而物流业者 (freight forwarder) 的责任为 0%,而且看样子对方连货物都还没碰到,那等于服务都尚未启动的情况下就要先提供他人购买商品的出口咨询服务,似乎有点说不过去。
我会强烈建议全部诚实照填,尤其是 1~3,至于 4 和 5 就说很喜欢你们家商品或是上网看到很想买,但自己住海外所以才会用转运商这类的真实原因。

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