cain0229 (Miss E)
2009-10-04 00:14:35※ [本文转录自 euro-culture 看板]
作者: etsandy (小谕) 看板: euro-culture
标题: [网宣]台北沙龙The Taipei Salon-他们是战俘, …
时间: Tue Sep 29 22:43:58 2009
※ [本文转录自 Calendar 看板]
作者: etsandy (小谕) 看板: Calendar
标题: [网宣]台北沙龙The Taipei Salon-他们是战俘,他们在台湾
时间: Tue Sep 29 22:34:10 2009
台北沙龙 The Taipei Salon
They Were Prisoners of War
They Were in Taiwan
During WWII, thousands of allied POWS were held captive on Taiwan by the Japanes
e military. Most of them were young soldiers from the UK, India and Australia. T
hey lived in the grimiest of conditions and were forced into slave labor such as
mining and river dredging. The camp inspectors were young Taiwanese men, many o
f whom were later brought to trial for war crime.
This part of Taiwan's history, where people's fate, roles, and values were disto
rted by war, remains largely unknown to most people.
讲者 何麦克 台湾战俘纪念协会理事长
Speaker: Michael Hurst
MBE / Director, Taiwan POW Camps Memorial Society
主持 何 志 美国在台协会新任发言人暨文化新闻组组长
Moderator: Thomas Hodges
Spokesman and Public Affairs Section Chief for the American Institute in Taiwan
2009年10月24日(六) 14:00~16:00
Date and time:24 October Saturday, 2009 14:00 - 16:00
Venue:Yue-han Hall (110 Jin Hua Street Taipei)
全程英语 不备翻译 ENGLISH ONLY
报名Registration Tel 02-33224907 Fax 02-33224918 www.civictaipei.org