Re: [免费] Andi老师暑假要来台湾开IELTS高分讲座

楼主: TaiC4m (TaiC4m)   2016-05-30 08:15:34
但是跟老师太太(不喜欢被叫师母 因为其实还很年轻><…) 念同一间学校
有点私交所以知道一些事 也因此才会想帮Andi代po免费讲座消息
其实老师从来没有强调他自己是名师 在此抱歉!
H大别激动 你误会了 剑桥是一个城市名 在英格兰东南方的剑桥郡
剑桥有数十间语言学校 都不隶属于“剑桥大学”
那间叫做University of Cambridge Language Centre
或者已经在学学生的第二语言学习 据我了解是不开放大学以外的人上课的)
但是 Cambridge EAP Ltd. 本来就是私人创立的小型语言学校 “不隶属于剑桥大学”
关于老师的FB跟Website 这点我之前也有问过Andi
他说是因为他没有时间认真经营网站 因为平常学生多已经很忙了
加上他想要自己做网站 不想假手他人 后来就一直拖着
老师本来就不太重网络行销 大多是靠学生口耳相传
所以网页跟FB更新也不多 这其实很容易看出来
是因为家庭因素 (太太是剑桥大学跟台湾某研究机构的博士后研究员
需要两边跑 p.s.有征求老师太太同意才po出)
希望到此告一段落 我自己在英国有全职工作
跟Cambridge EAP 完全没有利益关系
以后也不会再po任何相关文章或者回应相关事情 谢谢!
One of the core values held by both those who run Cambridge EAP Ltd
and are employed within is that of transparency.
This message is made clear from the onset of any class or contract
with a client; private, commercial or governmental.
We welcome any enquiries, and of any nature, as an opportunity to
further emphasise the values that form the foundations of UK education.
To this end, we make it a priority to answer any questions that are
presented to us in a clear and transparent manner.
That being said, we are of the understanding that PTT and the forums
contained therein are not an appropriate place to discuss matters of
commercial operations and will decline to respond to your questions here.
You are more than welcome to contact us through the company website,
a place we are sure you are now familiar with, and ask any questions
you may have.
You are also free to reproduce any of our answers here if you so wish,
as long as they are shown in their entirety and without any editing.
We wish to extend this offer to anyone else who would like to get in
touch with questions of their own, and will ensure that our response
is both timely and written in which ever language you feel most comfortable
in to avoid any misunderstandings.
Hopefully this'll allow you to make a better informed decision about who
best can provide you with the right level of professional language assistance.
中文大纲 (Cambridge EAP 内部人员翻译):
Cambridge EAP Ltd 的核心价值之一是透明化
同时我们也期盼客户(学生) 能够用同样标准对待
有任何疑问时请用清楚,透明的方式“直接”询问本校 例如email或者网站联络方式
依据我们的了解 PTT为台湾学生的论坛
因此本校对于以后在PTT的发问也将拒绝回应 敬请见谅!
再次声明 本校欢迎客户(学生)以“直接”方式联络
但是请全文贴出 严禁篡改!
Cambridge EAP Ltd 诚心地提供语言服务给全世界的学生

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