[编译] 阿富汗:40名平民在反塔利班突袭中丧生

楼主: kwei (光影)   2019-09-24 12:39:13
Afghan officials: 40 civilians killed in anti-Taliban raid
Anti-Taliban raids by Afghan forces backed by U.S. airstrikes killed at least
40 civilians attending a wedding party in the southern Helmand province,
Afghan officials said.
The civilian deaths in Sunday night’s raids on Taliban hideouts further
rattled Afghanistan amid an upsurge in violence that’s followed the collapse
this month of U.S.-Taliban peace talks to end America’s longest war.
“We are saddened and devastated to hear that civilians have lost their lives
in an incident in Helmand despite President Ghani’s repeated call for extra
cautions in conducting military operations,” said Sediq Sediqqi, President
Ashraf Ghani’s spokesman.
Ashraf Ghani总统的发言Sediq Sediqq说:“尽管Ghani总统一再呼吁在军事行动中采取
He added that Helmand’s provincial governor has been instructed to send an
investigation team to the area.
Abdul Majed Akhund, deputy provincial councilman, said most of the dead were
women and children who were who were at a wedding ceremony in Musa Qala
district. An additional 12 civilians were wounded and were hospitalized in
Lashkar Gah, the capital of Helmand province, Akhund said.
副省议员Abdul Majed Akhund说,死者中大多数是妇女和儿童,他们正在Musa Qala地区
的一个婚礼上。Akhund 说,另有12名平民受伤,正在Helmand省会Lashkar Gah的住院。
The civilian deaths occurred during the second of two raids undertaken in
different areas of Musa Qala, Attahullah Afghan, head of the provincial
council, said.
平民死亡是在Musa Qala不同地区进行的两次突击行动的第二次袭击中发生的。
The operations killed 22 Taliban fighters, including foreigners, Afghanistan’
s defense ministry said in a statement. Fourteen people were arrested,
including five Pakistani nationals and one Bangladeshi. The statement said a
large warehouse of supplies and equipment was also destroyed.
“The foreign terrorist group was actively engaged in organizing terrorist
attacks,” the statement said.
The raids came after a drone attack last week in eastern Afghanistan’s
Nangarhar province blamed on U.S. forces killed at least 16 and wounded tens
of others, most of them civilians. U.S. forces said that attack was targeting
Islamic State militants.
Also, in an insider attack at the Kandahar airport on Monday, a policeman
turned his weapon on a NATO Resolute Support convoy, according to a statement
tweeted by a spokesman for U.S. forces in Afghanistan. Resolute Support
forces returned fire, killing the attacker, the statement tweeted by
spokesman Col. Sonny Leggett said. Three Resolute Support service members
suffered non-life-threatening injuries, the statement said.
名警察将武器指向北约Resolute Support的车队。发言人Sonny Leggett上校在推特上发
表的声明说,Resolute Support部队回击开火,杀死了袭击者。声明说,三名Resolute
Support 服务人员受了伤,但不危及生命。
The violence comes as Afghanistan prepares for presidential elections on
Saturday, a vote the Taliban vehemently oppose. The Taliban are at their
strongest since their ouster in 2001 and hold sway over more than half the
country, staging near-daily, deadly attacks across Afghanistan. The insurgent
group has warned Afghans not to vote in the election and said their fighters
would target election campaigns as well as polling stations.
楼主: kwei (光影)   2019-09-24 12:42:00

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