[新闻] 阿富汗:数十人死于喀布尔婚礼上的爆炸

楼主: kwei (光影)   2019-08-19 01:55:56
标题: Afghanistan: Scores killed in Kabul wedding blast
新闻来源: Al Jazeera
At least 63 people have been killed and scores wounded in an explosion
targeting a wedding in the Afghan capital, officials said on Sunday, the
deadliest attack in Kabul this year.
The suicide blast took place on Saturday evening in the men's reception area
of the Dubai City wedding hall in western Kabul, in a minority Shia
neighbourhood, packed with people celebrating a marriage.
Women and children were among the casualties, said Nasrat Rahimi, a spokesman
for the interior ministry.
内政部发言人Nasrat Rahimi说,伤亡人员包括妇女和儿童。
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS) group claimed
responsibility for the attack on Sunday.
The blast came as the Taliban and the United States are trying to negotiate
an agreement on the withdrawal of US forces in exchange for a Taliban
commitment on security and peace talks with Afghanistan's US-backed
The Taliban denied any involvement, calling Saturday's blast "forbidden and
unjustifiable", but Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, said that the group
"cannot absolve themselves of blame, for they provide platform for
Ashraf Ghani表示,该组织“不能卸责,因为他们为恐怖分子提供了平台”。
In a series of tweets on Sunday, Ghani strongly condemned the "inhumane
attack" and called for an "extraordinary security meeting to review and
prevent such security lapses".
'Scene was awful'
The blast occurred near the stage where musicians were and "all the youths,
children and all the people who were there were killed," witness Gul Mohammad
told The Associated Press news agency.
The groom, Mirwais Elmi, recalled greeting smiling guests in the afternoon,
before seeing their bodies being carried out hours later.
新郎Mirwais Elmi回忆起下午正问候微笑着的客人,然后几小时后看到他们的尸体被送出

The attack "changed my happiness to sorrow", the young man told local TV
station Tolo News.
这名年轻人告诉当地电视台Tolo News,这次袭击“让我的幸福变成了悲伤”。
"My family, my bride are in shock, they cannot even speak. My bride keeps
fainting," he said. "I lost my brother, I lost my friends, I lost my
relatives. I will never see happiness in my life again."
“我的家人,我的新娘都很震惊,他们甚至不能说话。我的新娘晕倒了,”他说。 “我
In the aftermath of the attack, images from inside the hall showed
blood-stained bodies on the ground along with pieces of flesh and torn
clothes, hats, sandals and bottles of mineral water.
One witness, Sahi, said he was at the back of the wedding hall when the
explosion happened.
"It was very big," he told Al Jazeera. "I fell down where I was. When I stood
up I saw tables and people were scattered everywhere. The scene was awful. My
brother was injured. Most of my friends were killed."
“爆炸非常大,”他告诉半岛电视台。 “我跌倒在原地。当我站起来时,我看到桌子,
Al Jazeera's Charlotte Bellis, reporting from an emergency hospital in
central Kabul, where many of the injured were being treated, said: "Dozens of
people are waiting for any news of loved ones."
半岛电视台Charlotte Bellis报导了喀布尔市中心的一家急救医院,其中许多受伤者正在
"People have been ferried here all night, the wounded and also the dead,
people caught up in this explosion," she added.
Sunni Muslim armed groups, including the Taliban and ISIL have repeatedly
attacked the Shia Hazara minorities in Afghanistan and neighbouring Pakistan
over the years.
Fighters have periodically struck Afghan weddings, which are seen as easy
targets because they frequently lack rigorous security precautions.
On July 12, at least six people were killed when a suicide bomber attacked a
wedding ceremony in the eastern Afghan province of Nangarhar. ISIL, which has
a growing footprint in the region, claimed the blast.
At least 40 people were killed in an explosion at a wedding hall in Kabul in
November 2018.
The latest attack shattered more than a week of relative calm in the Afghan
On August 7, a Taliban car bomb aimed at Afghan security forces detonated on
the same road, killing 14 people and wounding 145 - most of them women,
children and other civilians.
145人受伤 - 其中大多数是妇女,儿童和其他平民。
'Pushing for peace'
Messages of shock poured in on Sunday. "Such acts are beyond condemnation,"
the European Union mission to Afghanistan said.
震惊的消息在周日涌入。 “此类行为无可谴责,”欧盟驻阿富汗代表团表示。
"This heinous and inhumane attack is indeed a crime against humanity,"
Afghanistan's Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah said.
阿富汗政府执行长Abdullah Abdullah说:“这种令人发指的,不人道的攻击确实是一种
The violence comes against the backdrop of talks between the US and the
Taliban, who have been holding regular meetings in Qatar since October to try
to end the 18-year conflict.
Expectations are rising for a deal in which the US would start withdrawing
its approximately 14,000 soldiers from Afghanistan after a war that has gone
on for nearly two decades and has turned into a stalemate.
In return, the Taliban would guarantee Afghanistan would not be a sanctuary
for violent groups to expand and plot new attacks, both sides have said.
The Taliban are also expected to make a commitment to open power-sharing
talks with the US-backed government and agree to a ceasefire.
Omar Zakhilwal, a former adviser to President Ghani who was also the
President's Special Representative and Afghan ambassador to Pakistan, said a
peace deal with the Taliban will take away such an environment which makes it
easy to carry out "terrorist activities".
总统特别代表和阿富汗驻巴基斯坦大使,也是Ghani总统的前顾问Omar Zakhilwal,表示,
"Whenever peace talks heat up, such attacks increase," he told Al Jazeera
from the Afghan capital.
"This should not deter those talks," Zakhilwal added. "If anything, they
should strengthen the resolve for pushing forward with the peace talks."
“这不应该阻止这些对话,”Zakhilwal补充说。 “如果有的话,他们应该加强推进和平

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