[新闻] 为什么大部分国家感到美国威胁大于中俄

楼主: kwei (光影)   2019-02-14 03:41:21
Why much of the world now feels more threatened by the U.S. than by China or
新闻来源: 原文 https://goo.gl/kQrTdn
If 2017 was the year foreign observers of U.S. politics struggled to decide
where the country was headed, 2018 was the year they came to a conclusion:
not in the right direction. Far more people around the world now believe that
their countries are threatened by U.S. power and influence under President
Trump than they are by the other global heavyweights, Russia or China,
according to a new Pew Research Center survey released on Sunday.
While 45 percent of respondents in 26 large countries interviewed between May
and August last year said that the United States posed “a major threat to
our country,” only 36 percent said the same about Russia and 35 percent
about China. Back in 2013 — under President Barack Obama — only 25 percent
of global respondents held that view about the United States, while 34
percent considered China to be a major threat to their countries at the time.
Data for Russia were not available that year.
大威胁”,只有36%的受访者认为是俄罗斯,35%认为是中国。早在2013年, 在美国总
During Trump’s first year in office, global approval of U.S. leadership
began to drop significantly, with 38 percent saying they viewed the United
States as a threat — compared to 33 percent saying the same about Russia and
34 percent about China. While China’s standing appears to have remained
largely unchanged since, the percentage of people who now consider the United
States a threat has almost doubled within just half a decade.
The sudden rise of the United States as a perceived major threat in other
countries likely comes down to a number of different factors. The most
prominent one is Trump. His trade wars and affronts against traditional
alliances have unsettled U.S. partners and allies in Europe and other parts
of the world, where “U.S. power and influence,” as the Pew survey phrased
it, has become tightly associated with Trump himself. While 49 percent of
Germans said they considered “U.S. power and influence” to be a top
security concern, only 30 percent said the same about Russia. (The ratio of
Germans fearing U.S. power is in fact now higher than the share of Russians
who are concerned about the United States.) In Britain, which prides itself
for having a special relationship with the United States, 37 percent still
said they feared Washington’s leadership posed a threat to their nation, too.
和影响力”正如皮尤调查所表明的那样,已经与川普本人紧密联系在一起。 49%的德国
示同样的看法。 (德国人担心美国霸权的比例实际上高于俄罗斯人关切美国的比例。)
Support remained high in countries with large conservative electorates,
including Poland and Hungary, as well as Israel, where Trump was applauded
last year for moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
In Latin America, Trump’s hard-line immigration policies and his insistence
on building a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico have earned him few
friends, however. In all three surveyed Latin American countries — Brazil,
Argentina and Mexico — more than half the population said the United States
posed a major threat.
他几乎没有朋友。在所有三个受调查的拉丁美洲国家 :巴西,阿根廷和墨西哥中, 超过
Animosity toward the United States was also high in countries directly
impacted by Trump’s highest-stakes act of diplomacy so far. Despite Trump’s
summit with Kim Jong Un, a vast majority of people in South Korea and Japan
said U.S. power and influence were perilous. The Pew survey was conducted
while negotiations between the United States and North Korea were still
ongoing, so the data may not fully capture public opinion in those two
countries by the end of last year. But for a president who has said that “
everyone thinks” he should get a Nobel Peace Prize for his role in the North
Korea talks, the Pew data may be disappointing.
The survey comes at a time when Trump also appears to be following through on
his promises to withdraw troops from Syria and Afghanistan, effectively
disengaging from international conflicts, despite warnings by allies that the
time may not be right. Trump’s rhetoric and unpredictable attacks on allies
and foes alike also appear to have made him a bigger target of public
animosity than the human rights violations committed by other major powers.
China’s brutal detention campaign of up to 1 million Uighurs and other
minorities appears to weigh less heavily in the survey, perhaps because China
’s human rights violations have so far been restricted to certain groups.
Only 22 percent of Swedes said they considered China to be a major threat.
Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 and its attempts to meddle in Western
elections have infuriated (some) leaders of the affected countries, but
concerns over Moscow’s intentions are far less pronounced elsewhere.
Russia and China may be deeply unpopular in some places, but in international
rankings they’re still able to balance those sentiments out. In China’s
case, significant financial investments abroad may have helped, while Russia’
s military maneuvers have so far rarely extended beyond Europe and parts of
the Middle East.
In comparison, animosity and skepticism toward the United States are
relatively evenly distributed across the globe, likely reflecting both the
country’s large footprint in various regions and particularly strong
feelings on Trump.
Trump may be able to find some comfort in the fact that the United States is
actually not considered the world’s biggest threat by the citizens of the 26
polled nations. Instead, climate change came out on top last year, followed
by the Islamic State group.
Trump’s perception of global threats doesn’t appear to be exactly aligned
with that view of the world, however. One of the president’s early moves was
to withdraw from the Paris climate accord that aimed to lower the emissions
most believe are behind climate change, followed by his more recent victory
claim over the Islamic State and withdrawal of the troops confronting it.
[1] https://goo.gl/qgzdWG (皮尤调查原文)
作者: cebu   2019-02-14 09:11:00

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