[新闻] 中国和印度的人为活动主导地球绿化

楼主: kwei (光影)   2019-02-13 06:30:08
Human Activity in China and India Dominates the Greening of Earth, NASA Study
Shows (NASA研究显示,中国和印度的人为活动主导地球绿化)
新闻来源: 原文 https://goo.gl/dhe1aS
The world is literally a greener place than it was 20 years ago, and data
from NASA satellites has revealed a counterintuitive source for much of this
new foliage: China and India. A new study shows that the two emerging
countries with the world’s biggest populations are leading the increase in
greening on land. The effect stems mainly from ambitious tree planting
programs in China and intensive agriculture in both countries.
The greening phenomenon was first detected using satellite data in the
mid-1990s by Ranga Myneni of Boston University and colleagues, but they did
not know whether human activity was one of its chief, direct causes. This new
insight was made possible by a nearly 20-year-long data record from a NASA
instrument orbiting the Earth on two satellites. It’s called the Moderate
Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, or MODIS, and its high-resolution data
provides very accurate information, helping researchers work out details of
what’s happening with Earth’s vegetation, down to the level of 500 meters,
or about 1,600 feet, on the ground.
(20世纪90年代中期,波士顿大学的Ranga Myneni及其同事首次使用卫星数据检测到绿化
Taken all together, the greening of the planet over the last two decades
represents an increase in leaf area on plants and trees equivalent to the
area covered by all the Amazon rainforests. There are now more than two
million square miles of extra green leaf area per year, compared to the early
2000s – a 5% increase.
积 - 增加了5%。)
“China and India account for one-third of the greening, but contain only 9%
of the planet’s land area covered in vegetation – a surprising finding,
considering the general notion of land degradation in populous countries from
overexploitation,” said Chi Chen of the Department of Earth and Environment
at Boston University, in Massachusetts, and lead author of the study.
人口众多的国家中,土地一般因过度开发退化, 这是一个令人惊讶的发现。”麻州波士
顿大学地球与环境系,该研究的主要作者 Chi Chen 说。)
An advantage of the MODIS satellite sensor is the intensive coverage it
provides, both in space and time: MODIS has captured as many as four shots of
every place on Earth, every day for the last 20 years.
( MODIS卫星传感器的一个优点是它在空间和时间上提供了密集的覆蓋:MODIS在过去20年
“This long-term data lets us dig deeper,” said Rama Nemani, a research
scientist at NASA’s Ames Research Center, in California’s Silicon Valley,
and a co-author of the new work. “When the greening of the Earth was first
observed, we thought it was due to a warmer, wetter climate and fertilization
from the added carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, leading to more leaf growth
in northern forests, for instance. Now, with the MODIS data that lets us
understand the phenomenon at really small scales, we see that humans are also
( NASA位于加州硅谷的Ames研究中心的研究科学家Rama Nemani说:“这一长期数据让我
们能够深入挖掘。”他是这项新工作的合著者。 “当首次观察到地球的绿化时,我们认
China’s outsized contribution to the global greening trend comes in large
part (42%) from programs to conserve and expand forests. These were developed
in an effort to reduce the effects of soil erosion, air pollution and climate
change. Another 32% there – and 82% of the greening seen in India – comes
from intensive cultivation of food crops.
到的82%的绿化 一起,是来自粮食作物的集约化种植。)
Land area used to grow crops is comparable in China and India – more than
770,000 square miles – and has not changed much since the early 2000s. Yet
these regions have greatly increased both their annual total green leaf area
and their food production. This was achieved through multiple cropping
practices, where a field is replanted to produce another harvest several
times a year. Production of grains, vegetables, fruits and more have
increased by about 35-40% since 2000 to feed their large populations.
(用于种植农作物的土地面积在中国和印度差不多,超过770,000平方英里 ,并且自21世
How the greening trend may change in the future depends on numerous factors,
both on a global scale and the local human level. For example, increased food
production in India is facilitated by groundwater irrigation. If the
groundwater is depleted, this trend may change.
“But, now that we know direct human influence is a key driver of the
greening Earth, we need to factor this into our climate models,” Nemani
said. “This will help scientists make better predictions about the behavior
of different Earth systems, which will help countries make better decisions
about how and when to take action.”
我们的气候模型。” Nemani说,“这将有助于科学家更好地预测不同地球系统的行为,
The researchers point out that the gain in greenness seen around the world
and dominated by India and China does not offset the damage from loss of
natural vegetation in tropical regions, such as Brazil and Indonesia. The
consequences for sustainability and biodiversity in those ecosystems remain.
Overall, Nemani sees a positive message in the new findings. “Once people
realize there’s a problem, they tend to fix it,” he said. “In the 70s and
80s in India and China, the situation around vegetation loss wasn’t good; in
the 90s, people realized it; and today things have improved. Humans are
incredibly resilient. That’s what we see in the satellite data.”
(总体而言,Nemani在新发现中看到了积极的信息。 “一旦人们意识到存在问题,他们就
会解决这个问题,”他说。 “在70年代和80年代的印度和中国,植被损失的情况糟糕。
This research was published online, Feb. 11, 2019, in the journal Nature
该研究于2019年2月11日在线发表在Nature Sustainability期刊上。
作者: cebu   2019-02-13 09:37:00
作者: jack82822005 (小郭郭)   2019-02-13 10:27:00
作者: noonee (我和烤肉间只差一撮孜然)   2019-02-13 10:58:00
对岸是过去过度开发后来尝到苦果了所以种回去包括对山的挖矿搞到没有植被 矿挖完了把树种回去过去向湖要粮搞到地下水缺乏现在把部份地吐出来种树维持地下水 真正有野心的是在沙漠边缘狂种树企图要更多可利用地 相对巴西把雨林砍了种大豆就不管了 还务实一点当然这些都是靠惨痛教训学来的
作者: zebra101 (斑马)   2019-02-13 12:14:00
作者: sdhpipt   2019-02-13 13:39:00
还有就是地球暖化也会增加全球绿地面积 XD
作者: zxzx309 (123456)   2019-02-13 18:59:00

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