Jotarun (forever)
2023-08-03 04:36:46https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/hearthstone/t/270-known-issues/110615
[Added 8/1] [Hearthstone] The team is aware that Aman’Thul is currently able
to summon Colossal minions. This is a violation of the rules of Order and
something that will be resolved in an upcoming patch.
阿曼苏尔现在可以召唤巨型 近期更新会修
[Added 8/2/23] [Hearthstone] When you would overkill a hero with Always a
Bigger Jormungar, it only deals the overkill damage, not the full damage. The
team is investigating this issue to be resolved as soon as possible.
[Added 8/2/23] [Hearthstone] Razorscale is not properly stopping cards from
reducing their own Costs below 2. This is scheduled to be corrected in an
upcoming major patch.
[Added 8/2/23] [Hearthstone] The team is aware that Magatha has some weird
interactions with Death Knight Plagues, and is looking into it.
[Added 8/2/23] [Progression] The “Express Order Argunite” Achievement is
not tracking as intended. The team is investigating the issue.
阿古岩快递成就没有正常的追踪 调查中
[Added 8/2/23] [Collection] Sargeras’s machinations continue! The team is
investigating reports that the Sargeras card back can’t be equipped once
萨格拉斯卡背还是无法使用 调查中
[Added 8/2/23] [Hearthstone] The team has received reports that various cards
in different languages have localization issues. These reports have been
passed on and various cards will be getting localization updates in an
upcoming patch.
有许多卡片翻译有问题 已经传达给在地化团队 预计在下个更新中调整
[Added 8/2] [Hearthstone] Mimiron’s Cloakfield has been malfunctioning when
used on a minion that already has Stealth. It’s expected to get repaired in
an upcoming hotfix.
弥米伦隐蔽力场对已经潜行的手下施放会有问题 预计在即将到来的热修中修复