Meta Snapshot #12: The Dawn of Blackrock Mountain
posted by @hyped Apr 19, 2015
这周没有对战优劣表 悲剧
Hey everyone, Hyped here back from Seatstory in Germany this time.
As expected throughout the release of BRM this week’s meta can be defined as
experimental. Imp Gang Boss is being jammed into many different Warlock decks
to great and immediate success. Another great example of the experimental
nature of this is meta can be seen in the earlys success of Grim Patron
Warrior which, although released a week prior, understandably took longer to
figure out. Gang Up/Fatigue Rogue still seems to need some time however.
Lastly the end of the week is seeing some early experimentation with Dragon
Paladin thanks to Dragon Consort’s release.
小鬼老大成功地加进各种术士牌组 术士排名上升
Normally analyzing an experimentation-based meta wouldn’t be all
that productive, but this week saw a major change that needs to be addressed.
The rise of Zoo back into prominence is directly correlated with a drop in
the almighty Druid. One of the few ways to punish Wild Growth is with a
strong early curve. This shift is likely to persist as Druids don’t have
easy ways of tuning their decks against Zoo and aren’t receiving any more
tools to do so in the final 2 weeks of BRM.
With Druids no longer dominating the meta last week saw a
substantial increase in the amount of Warriors on ladder, though some of this
is to be attributed to not just the lack of Druids but the introduction of
Grim Patron. Additionally a rise in Zoo and a fall in Druid ushered Priest
and Handlock back into the meta as they both lost a bad matchup and gained a
favorable one. It’s hard to say which of these secondary trends will last,
especially as we are likely to see lots of Mage, Shaman, and Rogue after
Blackwing Lair is released.
但不完全是因为德鲁伊 另外还有奴隶主战士的登场
另外 因为zoo的兴起和德鲁伊的殒落
因为他们少了一个劣势 又多了一个优势组合
Unfortunately there is no matchup table this week as it can be
quite hard to track stats and gauge matchups when virtually every Warlock or
Warrior you play is running a slightly different list, not to mention a new
deck could have a bad matchup that is very easily accounted for once the deck
gets to the stage of correcting for bad matchups. In the Tier list below
all of the 1 & 2 tier decks have been updated and even some decks that have
not changed too much such as Warrior, Druid, Face Hunter, and Oil Rogue
feature different players’ variations which are not necessarily better or
worse but may fit your personal play style better. Essentially, this week is
all about trying new things and I tried to showcase some of the interesting
variations currently on ladder.
每副都会有些微的不同 所以不好统计这些数据
下列所有T1 T2牌组排名都有变化
有些牌组甚至没什么大改变(例如战 德 脸猎 油贼)
这类牌组因为玩家的玩法不同 没有一定谁优谁劣
最后 这周就是在各种测新东西 希望能为天梯带来一些有趣的变化