Muting46 (Spanish Sahara)
2014-09-10 11:59:22实况主网址:http://www.twitch.tv/reynad27
ID:PJSalt T/S reynad
实况主/擅长英雄介绍(至少25字):最近为了准备NA BZ资格赛所以都在打竞技场 也刚好为
9/14自家举办的Lord of the Arena 2做准备,毕竟如果又拿下冠军可以省一点钱XD
但是看他实况重点自然在于各种 PJSalt以及Story time 刚刚说到以前担任Delivery Boys
的故事,一起来听故事吧 S T O R Y B O Y S
牧师:9W3L 术士:5W3L 战士:2W2L RETIRE BOYS 没钱了用奇蹟贼爬天梯
被雷克萨虐了一场又回来改用钱买竞技场 猎人:0W1L 说准备资格赛 收
☑ This deck is so bad ☑ This is like the worst draft ever ☑ This class is
the worst ☑ There are no good cards in this deck ☑ It's just a really bad
deck ☑ Well, our deck sucks
Ek0p: i decided to not hate raynad anymore...after all there would be no
hearthstone if it wasnt for reynad
今天Ek0p突然sub reynad,Reynad也unban了Ekop,这两个人不是有仇吗XD