※ 引述《bbo40453 (祐!)》之铭言:
: 现在全世界疫苗最神奇的就是上海复星手上的bnt吧?
: 大家都缺疫苗的情况下,郭台铭要弄来500万剂,bnt,张亚中也要弄来500万剂,国台办
: 可以帮上海复星说要卖200万剂,连武汉一家企业都可以说要卖bnt给台湾,上海复星的
: 疫苗真的多到可以随便给?
: 还有国台办如果可以帮上海复星说绑科兴国药的话就能卖给台湾,那他们也能决定不卖
: 给台湾吗?上海复星的角色是不是有点薄弱啊?
复星今年一定拿的到一亿剂 这是跟BNT签署的合约内容
Supply Agreement
Supply of Products Under the Supply Agreement,
subject to the obtaining of the
marketing authorisation in Chinese Mainland and the relevant
purchase orders having been furnished by Fosun Pharmaceutical
Industrial under the Supply Agreement, BioNTech Manufacturing
commits to supply no less than 100 million doses of the
Coronavirus Vaccine Product for Chinese Mainland in 2021.