※ 引述 《tony890415》 之铭言:
: 莫德纳跟辉瑞看起来是不卖地方政府啦
: 但是上海复星跟BNT原厂又没说不卖
: 1.“上海复星”有完整的大中华代理权
: 2.“BNT”负责的是德国跟土耳其市场
: 以上两家要卖谁 辉瑞管不著的
: 除非要卖到大中华跟德国土耳其以外的地方
: 例如印度
“Neither Pfizer nor any of its affiliates globally, including in India, have au
thorised anyone to import/market/distribute the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine
,” said a Pfizer spokesperson. “As stated earlier, during this pandemic phase,
across the world, Pfizer is supplying its Covid vaccine only to central governm
ents and supra-national organisations.... We continue to have discussions with t
he government of India towards making our vaccine available for use nationally.