americ (americ)
2020-11-08 00:44:361. 爬一下id 你是支持川普的
2. 你觉得你知道民主党的作弊手法
3. 既然你支持川普 你又知道民主党在玩什么手法
且你说你够大咖 (google你说的关键字查到这个新闻↓)
那你为什么不去美国帮助川普当选 而是在ptt政黑板发文
我是觉得不太合理 所以提出疑问
※ 引述《Anjou (没死)》之铭言:
: 看来被不少势力盯上了
: 反正没差 我资料一堆 PTT 见过我认识我跟我是拜把的一堆
: 也没好藏着窝著
: 我找了一下我不太机密的CASE
: 这个顶多是犯了美国联邦罪而已
: Invite to cooperation
: Dear Mr.XXX( 自己暱一下 )
: Hi
: As regard telephone negotiation that I had with you, I told you that Mr.
: Farzin Koroorian Motlagh has accepted about selling and released expensive
: goods pallets and dollars and euro in Hong Kong warehouses, with your
: company. If you have tendency to this cooperation, you and your boss can come
: to Iran in order to negotiate with Mr .Farzin Koroorian Motlagh, in relation
: of method of this cooperation and signature contract.
: Have a best regard and tanks
: Abolfazl Taghimolae
: Farzin’s executive manager
: Dear Mr.XXX
: Hi
: Thanks because of your answer
: I propose that the meeting is formatted in Russia (Moscow) with our power of
: attorney or with your group’s power of attorney or agent, in order to have
: more cooperation with more survey,recognition, and agreement. Also in this
: way we and you, will take a strong and serious steps to transaction, with
: consideration of document and proof presentation that relate with physical
: assets and accounts.
: Surely this common meeting will be necessary in order to survey about
: agreement and executive tasks.
: We will so glad that gain more recognition, about each other abilities.
: Have a best regards and tanks
: Abolfazl Taghimolae
: Farzin’s executive manager
: 要查这是谁
: 请用关键字查 两百亿欧元 莫斯科机场
: 丢这个你也查不到我是谁
: 我只是说一下 老子玩的是亨特的等级在玩的 而且玩得比亨特还高很多
VANNN (风的思赐)
2020-11-08 00:45:00因为太大咖了,,所以要无时无刻盯着政黑,,没时间找川普吧...