来自 The Women's Organization It’s reported that Stacey Abrams worked relentlessly to register over 800,000 new voters across Georgia who were affected by voter suppression in time for the U.S elections. After narrowly losing election for governor in 2018, she led a crusade to register 800k voters in Georgia - 45% of those new voters are under the age of 30 and 49% are people of colour. 美国第一位黑人女性州长候选人 耶鲁法学院毕业 2018年惜败后 她在乔治亚州发起运动 前后增加80万位注册选民 (之前这州似乎有过大规模取消选民登记的事情 曾出过纠纷) 其中45%新选民是在30岁以下、49%是有色人种