Fw: [新闻] 马斯克: 战斗机的时代已经过去了

楼主: greprep (@@)   2020-03-01 08:55:09
※ [本文转录自 Gossiping 看板 #1UMmVIV8 ]
作者: greprep (@@) 看板: Gossiping
标题: [新闻] 马斯克: 战斗机的时代已经过去了
时间: Sun Mar 1 08:54:38 2020
1.媒体来源: CNBC https://tinyurl.com/wt4cxna
完整座谈影片: YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lYS9GbA87Y
2.记者署名: Amanda Macias
Elon Musk tells a room full of Air Force pilots: ‘The fighter jet era has
特斯拉以及 SpaceX CEO 马斯克周五在奥兰多的一场座谈会上告诉美国空军中将汤普森
以及满座的战斗机飞行员, 未来的战争(空战)将是由自动化的无人机接战, 而不是传统
的战斗机。马斯克并且指出, 五角大厦最昂贵的战斗机, F-35, 应该有竞争者, 而非独
ORLANDO, Fla., — Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk predicted Friday that the
future of war would be carried out by autonomous drones and not by legacy
“The fighter jet era has passed,” Musk said during a fireside chat with
U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. John Thompson at the Air Warfare Symposium in
Orlando, Florida. “Drone warfare is where the future will be. It’s not that
I want the future to be – it’s just, this is what the future will be,” he
Musk also said that Lockheed Martin’s F-35 fighter jet, which is the Pentagon
’s most expensive weapons system, should have a competitor.
“The Joint Strike Fighter, there should be a competitor ... that’s a
controversial subject but I don’t think it’s good to have one provider,”
Musk said. He later elaborated on Twitter that the F-35 competitor should be
a drone.
“The competitor should be a drone fighter plane that’s remote-controlled by
a human, but with its maneuvers augmented by autonomy. The F-35 would have no
chance against it,” he wrote.
Throughout his discussion with Thompson, Musk warned that the United States
was at risk of falling behind other nations if it did not prioritize
“This is not something that was a risk in times past but is a risk now,”
Musk said. “I have zero doubt that if the United States doesn’t seek
innovation in space it will be second in space.”
Musk also predicted that the Chinese economy will eventually surpass the
United States’ by at least two-fold.
Read more: Elon Musk says Chinese economy will surpass US by 2 or 3 times: ‘
The foundation of war is economics’
“A thing that will feel pretty strange is that the Chinese economy is
probably going to be at least twice as big as the United States’ economy,
maybe three times,” Musk said.
“The foundation of war is economics,” Musk said. “If you have half the
resources of the counterparty then you better be real innovative, if you’re
not innovative, you’re going to lose.”
5.完整新闻连结 (或短网址):
CNBC https://tinyurl.com/wt4cxna
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lYS9GbA87Y
※ 一个人一天只能张贴一则新闻,被删或自删也算额度内,超贴者水桶,请注意
政府花大钱要买F-16V, 省钱阿伯柯文哲认为应该发展无人战斗器具, 而非付出高昂
代价外购。结果各界拼命攻击柯文哲, 说他不懂国防不要乱说。现在透过全球最懂
未来的男人-马斯克亲口说出来, 原来真正懂台湾未来国防需求的竟然是被骂到臭头
的柯文哲。讲真话的竟然被围殴, 到处说谎的被捧为神明, 不胜唏嘘。台湾人脑袋不
长进, 未来的结果自己担。

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