Re: [爆卦] 《屠杀》草稿与《屠杀》定稿比较对照

楼主: Mechon (紫伦)   2018-10-07 04:19:56
※ 引述《kolsir (刀阿)》之铭言:
: ※ [本文转录自 Gossiping 看板 #1RkDRRvN ]
: 作者: jacklyl (超越大师) 看板: Gossiping
: 标题: [爆卦] 《屠杀》草稿与《屠杀》定稿比较对照
: 时间: Sat Oct 6 23:38:00 2018
: 推 helloeric: 想看评价ouo 说不定847乱翻
: 虽然我觉得网络阅读很速食,
: 评价写出来大家不会想仔细看跟想,
: 但还是写一下看看吧,我尽量客观描述。
: ※ 引述《jacklyl (超越大师)》之铭言:
: : 刚刚发现有电子版
: : 就去买了顶顶大名的屠杀
: : 想来看看书中最后定稿到底是怎么写
: :
: : 总共13.64镁
: : 有没有屠杀的八卦?
: (1)这是第一封寄给柯文哲的信
: 信中附上了第一版草稿
: 附上草稿的文字跟我的翻译(有误可指正)
: Just over a decade ago, a young Taiwanese surgeon began thinking about going
: to the mainland to acquire human organs. It wasn’t a pleasant decision; he
: thought of himself as a conscientious man, not a gambler. But the waiting
: period for a liver or even a kidney in Taiwan could be as long as two or
: three years, by which time many of his patients would simply waste away. And
: if Chinese hospitals could perform the soup-to-nuts services they claimed on
: the web-donor to order, surgery, observation, recovery- patients who could
: barely be loaded onto a plane might come back as human beings who had
: successfully digested their airline meal, weren’t sure they actually needed
: the wheelchair, and tearfully hugged their waiting grandchildren. Taiwan was
: a death sentence for these patients: Mainland Chinese hospitals were
: blatantly advertising a tissue matched organ within a week or perhaps two.
: 10多年前,一位年轻的台湾医师开始想到有关于到中国去获取人体器官,这并不是一个
: 愉快的决定;他认为自己是一个有良心的人而非赌徒。但等待肝脏或肾脏的过程在台湾
: 可以长达两年或三年,在这段等待期内许多他的病人生命都被轻易浪费了。而如果中国
: 医院能够扮演他们在网络上声称的一条龙式的服务-从提供捐赠者到手术、观察、恢复

: 那么那些在出发时还仅能勉强搭上飞机的病人,在回来时或许已经可以以一个健康身体
: 的方式回归,虽然也许还需要坐轮椅,但能在飞机上顺利的享用飞机餐,并泪流满面的
: 抱住等到他们回来的孙子。对这些等待器官的病人来说台湾判了他们死刑;中国则公然
: 地宣传他们能在一到两周内找到配对适当的器官。
: He didn’t particularly want to look behind the Mainland curtain that’s all
: You could do anything you liked in China. Cut someone’s dick off if you
: liked. Not that much difference from what he was trying to do; it was common
: knowledge that the organs were being taken from executed prisoners on death
: row.
: 他没有特别的想要知道在中国的幕后情况。在中国你可以做到任何你想做的事情,例如
: 盗懒觉,如果你想的话。跟他现在想要试图做的差异并不大;器官会从监狱中的死刑犯
: 中取得,这是一个普遍的认知。
: So if his job was to ride his fragile patients into the wild, wild east and
: bring them back alive, okay, but even that wasn’t certain; the criminal
: life-style led to a high probability of hepatitis, drug-use, or promiscuous
: sex. Labor camp led to stress and malnutrition. Any, or perhaps all, of thes
: medical histories would now be given a second life in his patients’ bodies.
: And there was no recourse if something went wrong, not in a highly
: competitive, entrepreneurial business that operated in a not-quite-black
: market but a very, very gray one. Nor were his patients in any sense rich.
: Taiwan was still an emerging tiger; his patients had lived interesting lives
: to be sure, but modest ones. A glance at the web established the foreigner
: price of 63,000 US for a kidney. Because Chinese regarded the Taiwanese as
: slick foreigners wearing a Chinese mask that would be his price too, and yet
: native Chinese were paying half that. This injustice gnawed at him. Somehow,
: where so many Taiwanese businessmen before him had failed, he would have to
: convince the Mainland doctors he was not a foreign devil but a brother.
: 所以如果他的任务是想将他脆弱的病人带到狂野的东部,并且让他们健康的回来,好吧
: 连这其实也不是那么能确定;罪犯的生活方式导致高可能性肝炎、吸毒、滥交。劳动营
: 带来了压力跟营养不良。这些过往的医学相关的纪录都会跟着器官一起进入到他的病人
: 体内,如果出错了将求助无门。这不是个公开透明的商业竞争企业,而是非常非常灰色
: 的地带。而且他的病人也不富裕。台湾仍然是只新兴的老虎,病人们也活在有趣的生活
: 之中,但并不突出。网站上对于外国人的一个肾脏的价格高达63,000美元,因为中国人
: 认为台湾人是带着面具的外国人,因此也只提供外国人版的报价,然而中国人自己则只
: 要付出一半的价格。这种不平等折磨着他,然而,在他之前的台湾商人争取价格都失败
: 了,他必须要让中国医师们相信他并不是外国的恶魔,而是兄弟。
: The surgeon went to China and meticulously worked through the checklist of
: intimacy with his medical colleagues: The go-to-hell banquet. The Karaoke
: bar. The cognac followed by the Mao-Tai. The subtle flattery and the jokes
: about his accent. And when the ritual was truly finished, the Chinese
: surgeons summoned him.
: 这名医师前往中国并且认真一丝不苟的按照建立亲近关系的清单与他的医界同事们相处

: 喝到卦宴会、卡拉ok、白兰地后喝茅台、微妙的奉承跟对开了他口音腔调的玩笑。当仪

: 真正结束时,中国医生们找了他。
: You are one of us. You are a brother. So we will give you the family price.
: But we are going to do more for you than that. We’ve noted your worries and
: concerns about organ quality. And we trust your discretion. So you will have
: no worries for your patients. They will receive nothing but the best: all th
: organs will come from Falun Gong. These people may be a little fanatical, bu
: you know? They don’t drink. They don’t smoke. Many of them are young. They
: practice healthy Chi-gong. Very soon your patients
作者: choosin (秋心)   2018-10-07 09:28:00
管理制度要等亲眼见证实例或听过小道消息?器官又不是人类第一个捐赠/转移的物品 溯源这概念只有要不要做 怎么做 有没有能力做 捐赠受赠如果没管理系统谁没想过去向来源的问题
作者: JeanSijhih ((渡余))   2018-10-07 08:26:00
他就是心太热 得罪人 才会招惹这些麻烦但 他不做 谁会去做呢?那些受苦的患者 悲泣的家属怎么办?一般人都会刻意远离的麻烦事 柯反而会特意去做 吧?针对您的疑问 别的不提 受赠者回台发生问题了 只知道在那里 换了什么 但是相关捐赠者的资讯不明捐赠者的:性别 血型 配对结果 病史 重大伤病 死因都不知道这里面来源不明当然是个问题 但未必然是道德问题
作者: NinJa (fine~)   2018-10-07 04:24:00
柯文哲现在是怎样切 让你觉得未免切太干净?
作者: capirex (′・ω・`)   2018-10-07 04:26:00
光头佬连录音带都拿不出来 你管柯怎么讲
作者: YOTO0282 (Alex_Yoto)   2018-10-07 05:59:00
作者: rafe (Out of the hole)   2018-10-07 06:00:00
作者: YOTO0282 (Alex_Yoto)   2018-10-07 06:00:00
作者: rafe (Out of the hole)   2018-10-07 06:01:00
作者: YOTO0282 (Alex_Yoto)   2018-10-07 06:02:00
作者: scarbywind (有事烧纸)   2018-10-07 06:09:00
为什么会"如果柯当初没听过任何小道消息"全台医生哪个没听过消息的先找出来好嘛?就算知道"消息"好了,你能一脸就看出他是oox?这种东西叫"理智".. 不要污辱这辞好嘛Zz
作者: YOTO0282 (Alex_Yoto)   2018-10-07 06:26:00
作者: Leeheaven (爬虫窝捡便男)   2018-10-07 10:32:00

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