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作者: muse87131 (qwertyuiop) 看板: Gossiping
标题: Re: [问卦] 翻译翻译什么叫做台湾价值
时间: Sun May 6 21:59:45 2018
※ 引述《kuojames2580 (我什么都没有卵用)》之铭言:
: 爬了一堆八卦版的文章和看了一堆文章
: 我还是不知道什么叫做他妈的台湾价值
: 所以有哪位了解的可以翻译翻译什么叫做台湾价值
1. 台湾价值
表:Taiwan Value
里:DPP number 1!!!!!!!
2. 啊不然你要投国民党?
表:If you don't like DPP, go ahead and vote KMT
里:You're still gonna vote DPP in the end, sucker.
3. 劳工是我们心中最软的一块
表:I will champion labor rights; I will prioritize labor rights.
里:Fuck you all worthless laborors
4. 用爱发电
表:No nuke. Electricity can be generated with LOVE.
里:Turn off your goddamn ACs, fat asses.
5. 薪水低就当作做功德
表:Don't focus on the money you make. Focus on the karma you earned by doing such good deeds.
里:Accept the fact that you're a loser and SUCK MY KARMA, you piece of shit.
6. 你们要跟你老板说,台湾就是这样,劳方不自己去跟资方说,都跟政府抗议
表:Talk to your employers and ask for better benefits.
里:None of my fucking business. Get lost.
7. 谦卑、谦卑、再谦卑
表:Be humble. Be humble. Be humble.
里:Now we can do whatever we want, fuck yeah.
8. 中华民国是流亡政府
表:ROC is a government in exile
里:Not if I'm the president
9. 垃圾不分蓝绿
表:Taipei can help other areas with their garbage disposal.
里:Both KMT and DPP suck big time.
10. 亲中爱台
表:Just because I maintain close relation with China doesn't mean I betray Taiwan.
里:Only DPP can do that.