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※ 引述《outsider666 (局外人)》之铭言:
: http://cnn-alive.com/ch-breaking-news-south-korean-president-park-geun-hye-res
: igns/#respond
: 2.新闻来源︰
: 3.新闻内容︰
: BREAKING NEWS: South Korean President Park Geun-hye Resigns
: Seoul, South Korea — The President of South Korea, Park Geun-hye this morning
: announced her resignation as President of the country after submitting her re
: signation letter to the Speaker of the National Assembly Chung Sye-kyun follow
: ing massive protest by thousands of South Koreans.
: Massive protests roiled Seoul for the second consecutive weekend as hundreds o
: f thousands of angry South Koreans took to the streets Saturday calling for Pr
: esident Park Geun-hye’s resignation.
: The march, which included families with young children, students — some in sc
: hool uniforms — and union members, came as opposition to Park mounts followin
: g her unprecedented admission that she shared classified information with some
: one who lacked the necessary security clearance.
: It was one of the biggest anti-government protests the country has seen in dec
: ades.
: Four officers were injured during the demonstrations, according to South Korea
: ’s Yonhap News Agency, which cited police. Twenty-six protesters were taken t
: o hospital with injuries and a further 29 were treated at the scene of the pro
: tests, Yonhap quoted the Fire Department as saying.
: It is unclear how the police and protesters were injured.
: The President has already apologized twice, but that has done little to quell
: the rage of many South Koreans who say they feel betrayed. Indeed, some protes
: ters are saying the marches won’t stop until she resigns.
: Media and opposition parties have accused Choi of using her relationship with
: Park to accumulate millions of dollars in donations to her foundations.
: 4.附注︰
: 大致上就是说朴槿惠早上辞职了!不知道台湾菜的民调到几%才会辞职?