Re: [黑特] 纽时--我们这个时代的治理之毒瘤

楼主: angell543 (公民很忙)   2016-04-06 10:02:39
※ 引述《Amontillako (Chamber of Guf)》之铭言:
: 太阳花good, 行,真的很行~~~
: 讲你们民粹,就能凹成民粹是中性名词(再搭配国尸们教的一堆乱七八糟的资料)
: 用同样的逻辑,干,也是中性名词。
: 当有人对着太阳花骂"干",是中性还是负面?
: 同理,对着太阳花骂民粹,太阳花还可以脑补这时候是中性名词??
: [黑特] 推荐书,谈民粹主义(一)(二)
: 没关系,垃圾之花不喜欢民粹两个字,
: 现在有其他字眼,The antipolitics (people)-反政治(杂鱼们),欢迎垃圾之花服用~
: The Governing Cancer of Our Time
: By DAVID BROOKS March 1, 2016
: We live in a big, diverse society. There are essentially two ways to
: maintain order and get things done in such a society — politics or some
: form of dictatorship. Either through compromise or brute force. Our
: founding fathers chose politics.
: 我们生活在一个多样的大社会里。在这样的社会里,大体上有两种方式可以让我们
: 维持秩序和事务正常运转,一是政治,二是某种形式的独裁。一种方式是进行妥协
: ,另一种是诉诸蛮力。我们的建国先贤选择了政治。
: Politics is an activity in which you recognize the simultaneous existence
: of different groups, interests and opinions. You try to find some way to
: balance or reconcile or compromise those interests, or at least a majority
: of them. You follow a set of rules, enshrined in a constitution or in
: custom, to help you reach these compromises in a way everybody considers
: legitimate.
: 在政治活动里,你认识到不同组织、利益和观念的存在。你试着寻找平衡、协调
: 这些利益的办法,寻求妥协,或至少实现其中的大部分。你按照一套规则行事,
: 将它奉为宪法,或变成习惯,从而帮助你以一种所有人都认为合法的方式达成妥协。
: The downside of politics is that people never really get everything they
: want. It’s messy, limited and no issue is ever really settled. Politics
: is a muddled activity in which people have to recognize restraints and
: settle for less than they want. Disappointment is normal.
: 政治的不足之处在于,人们永远无法想要什么就的确得到什么。它是混乱而有限的,
: 没什么问题能得到真正的解决。政治是一笔糊涂账,人们不得不在其中认识到局限的
: 存在,然后退而求其次。失望是常态。
: But that’s sort of the beauty of politics, too. It involves an endless
: conversation in which we learn about other people and see things from their
: vantage point and try to balance their needs against our own. Plus, it’s
: better than the alternative: rule by some authoritarian tyrant who tries to
: govern by clobbering everyone in his way.
: 不过,你也可以说,这正是政治的美妙之处。它把我们卷入一场无休无止的对话,
: 让我们在这个过程中了解其他人,从有利于他们的视角看问题,然后试着在他们
: 和我们的利益之间寻找平衡点。更不用说,它要好过另一选项:让某个独裁的暴君
: 进行统治,方式是扫清一切对他有妨碍的人。
: As Bernard Crick wrote in his book, “In Defence of Politics,”
: “Politics is a way of ruling divided societies without undue violence.”
: 就像伯纳德·克里克(Bernard Crick)在他的《为政治辩护》(In Defence of Politics)
: 一书中所写的,“政治是一种不需要过度使用暴力而治理存在分歧的社会的办法。”
: Over the past generation we have seen the rise of a group of people who are
: against politics. These groups — best exemplified by the Tea Party but not
: exclusive to the right — want to elect people who have no political
: experience. They want “outsiders.” They delegitimize compromise and
: deal-making. They’re willing to trample the customs and rules that give
: legitimacy to legislative decision-making if it helps them gain power.
: 在过去的二三十年里,我们看到有一群反对政治的人崛起。这些团体——最佳代表是
: 茶党,但并非只有右翼存在——想选出没有从政经验的人,也就是他们口中的“外来者”
: 。他们消解了妥协并达成协议的合法性。如果有助于他们获得权力,他们会不惜践踏
: 赋予立法决策合法性的习惯和规则。
: Ultimately, they don’t recognize other people. They suffer from a form of
: political narcissism, in which they don’t accept the legitimacy of other
: interests and opinions. They don’t recognize restraints. They want total
: victories for themselves and their doctrine.
: 归根结底,他们不认可其他人。他们受到一种政治上的孤芳自赏的毒害,这让他们
: 不接受其他利益和观念的合法性。他们不承认限制的存在。他们想让自己和自己的
: 信条获得全盘的胜利。
: This antipolitics tendency has had a wretched effect on our democracy. It
: has led to a series of overlapping downward spirals:
: 这种反政治的倾向,对我们的民主产生了一种极坏的影响。它导致了一系列不乏雷同
: 之处的螺旋下降:
: The antipolitics people elect legislators who have no political skills or
: experience. That incompetence leads to dysfunctional government, which leads
: to more disgust with government, which leads to a demand for even more
: outsiders.
: 这些反政治的人选择没有执政经验或缺乏这方面技巧的人担任议员。这样的先天不足
: 会导致政府运转失调,由此导致公众对政府更加厌恶,进而使他们想要寻找更多的
: 外来者。
: The antipolitics people don’t accept that politics is a limited activity.
: They make soaring promises and raise ridiculous expectations. When those
: expectations are not met, voters grow cynical and, disgusted, turn even
: further in the direction of antipolitics.
: 这些反政治的人不承认政治是一种受限的活动。他们做出天花乱坠的承诺,制造不切
: 实际的期待。当这些期待无法兑现,选民就会变得满腔愤恨,由此更加倾向于反政治
: 一方。
: The antipolitics people refuse compromise and so block the legislative
: process. The absence of accomplishment destroys public trust. The decline in
: trust makes deal-making harder.
: 这些反政治的人拒绝妥协,由此阻碍立法进程。这方面成就的缺乏,会破坏公众的信任
: 。而信任的下降,又会让达成协议变得更加困难。
: We’re now at a point where the Senate says it won’t even hold hearings on
: a presidential Supreme Court nominee, in clear defiance of custom and the
: Constitution. We’re now at a point in which politicians live in fear if
: they try to compromise and legislate. We’re now at a point in which normal
: political conversation has broken down. People feel unheard, which makes
: them shout even louder, which further destroys conversation.
: 现在,我们处在一个奇特的阶段:参议院表示它甚至不会就总统提名的最高法院大法官
: 人选举行听证会,尽管这显然不符合常规,也不符合宪法的要求;政界人士如果试图
: 达成妥协来制订法律,就会陷入担忧;正常的政治对话中断;民众感到无人倾听自己
: 的想法,这让他们想更大声地喊叫,而这又会进一步破坏这种对话。
: And in walks Donald Trump. People say that Trump is an unconventional
: candidate and that he represents a break from politics as usual. That’s not
: true. Trump is the culmination of the trends we have been seeing for the last
: 30 years: the desire for outsiders; the bashing style of rhetoric that makes
: conversation impossible; the decline of coherent political parties; the
: declining importance of policy; the tendency to fight cultural battles and
: identity wars through political means.
: 于是,唐纳德·川普(Donald Trump)这样的人走上了前台。人们说,川普是一名不因
: 循守旧的候选人,说他代表一种与政治常规的分道扬镳。这种说法不对。川普是我们
: 在过去30年里看到的多种趋势累积的结果:让外来者参政的欲望;口出恶言使对话难
: 以实现的虚夸言辞风格;政党连贯性的降低;政策重要性的下降;以及通过政治手段
: 打文化战和身份战的倾向。
: Trump represents the path the founders rejected. There is a hint of violence
: undergirding his campaign. There is always a whiff, and sometimes more than
: a whiff, of “I’d like to punch him in the face.”
: 川普代表的,正是建国先贤反对的那条路。他的选战背后,有一些暴力因素在支撑。
: 总有一丝——有时候岂止是一丝——“我想一拳打到他脸上”的意味。
: I printed out a Times list of the insults Trump has hurled on Twitter. The
: list took up 33 pages. Trump’s style is bashing and pummeling. Everyone who
: opposes or disagrees with him is an idiot, a moron or a loser. The implied
: promise of his campaign is that he will come to Washington and bully his way
: through.
: 我打印了《纽约时报》一份记录川普在Twitter上辱骂各种对象的词汇清单,足足
: 有33页。川普的风格是破口大骂、穷追不舍。所有反对他,或与他意见不一的人,
: 都是傻瓜、笨蛋或者废物。他的选战暗含的承诺是,他会入主华盛顿,并杀出一条
: 血路来。
: Trump’s supporters aren’t looking for a political process to address their
: needs. They are looking for a superhero. As the political scientist Matthew
: MacWilliams found, the one trait that best predicts whether you’re a Trump
: supporter is how high you score on tests that measure authoritarianism.
: 川普的支持者寻求的,不是一种可以回应他们需求的政治过程。他们要的是一个超级
: 英雄。就像政治学者马修·麦克威廉(Matthew MacWilliams)发现的那样,能最好预测
: 你是否支持川普的特征,是看你在衡量威权主义倾向的测试中得分有多高。
: This isn’t just an American phenomenon. Politics is in retreat and
: authoritarianism is on the rise worldwide. The answer to Trump is politics. It
: ’s acknowledging other people exist. It’s taking pleasure in that
: difference and hammering out workable arrangements. As Harold Laski put it, “
: We shall make the basis of our state consent to disagreement. Therein shall
: we ensure its deepest harmony.”
: 这不是美国独有的现象。政治协商的势头在减弱,威权主义则在全球范围内呈上升趋势
: 。应对川普这种问题的答案,是政治,是承认其他人的存在,是以发现这种差异并为
: 之做出可行的安排为乐。就像哈罗德·拉斯基(Harold Laski)所说的,“我们应该让
: 接受分歧成为这个国家的基础,这样才能确保实现最根本的和谐。”
: 太阳花"学运"? suck.
作者: panda816 (噗噗噗!!)   2016-04-06 10:03:00
楼主: angell543 (公民很忙)   2016-04-06 10:06:00
作者: a1372213822 (鸭子)   2016-04-06 14:11:00
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