#1JLVE7C7 (HatePolitics) → m***********:请问妳知道核四现在要用的技术是全世界都没用过第一次使用的吗? 嗯? 我们来用一下大家最爱的WIKI好了 The Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant (柏崎刈羽原子力発电所 is a large, modern (housing the world's first ABWR) nuclear power plant on a 4.2-square-kilometer (1,038 acres) site including land in the towns of Kashiwazaki and Kariwa in Niigata Prefecture, Japan on the coast of the Sea of Japan, from where it gets cooling water. The plant is owned and operated by The Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). 我哩勒干 有没有接收人家的技术还要帮忙写死亡笔记本的八卦 还是说把114核工系当他X的白痴???? 喔对啦 114核工系可是在高贵的廷神面前是看不上眼的~~~