(a) Stack (b) Queue (c) Splay Tree (d) Lexicographic search tree
(e) AVL Tree (f) B-tree (g) Red-black tree (h) Kruskafs algorithm
(i) Dijkstra,s algorithm (j) Topological sorting
9.(4%) The maze problem that needs to keep track of the path visited.
10.(4%) The database query optimizer that needs to the index of the location of words in memories.
11.(4%) The dictionary look-up function that needs the index of words.
12.(4%) The process scheduler of operating systems that needs to dispatch processes in the order of arrival time.
13.(4%) A network routing protocol in which the routing algorithm must select a shortest path from source nodes to destination nodes.
14.(4%) A calculator that must deal with the operator precedence and parenthesis
15.(4%) The database system that is used in a hospital in which the data of patients accessed will be accessed again frequently.
9 (a)Stack
10 (f)B-tree ???
11 (d) Lexicographic search tree
12 (b) Queue
13 (i) Dijkstra,s algorithm
14 (a) Stack
15 (f)B-tree ???
10 和 15 没有很确定