Stunning new details from @CBSNews on how secret service snipers noticed the sho
oter before the Trump rally in Butler, PA on Saturday.
There were three snipers stationed INSIDE the building the shooter was on, accor
ding to a local law enforcement officer with direct knowledge.
One of the snipers inside saw Crooks outside looking up at the roof observing th
e building and then disappeared, according to local law enforcement.
一个狙击手看到枪手Crooks在外面看着屋顶 然后消失
Then Crooks came back, sat down and was looking on his phone and at that point o
ne of the snipers took a picture of him.
Then Crooks took out a range finder and the sniper radio-ed to the command post.
Crooks disappeared again and then came back a third time with a backpack. Th
e snipers called in with information that he had a backpack and said he was walk
ing towards the back of the building.
Officers believe that Crooks might have used an air conditioning unit to get on
top of the roof.
By the time other officers came for backup he had climbed on top of the building
and was positioned above and behind the snipers inside the building.
早就发现 还能让他爬上去 还开枪了