A6 (çŸID真好)
2024-04-30 14:06:42※ 引述《star520 (不干脆的心脏)》之铭言:
: 欧洲商会报告对藐视国会罪示警? 王鸿薇:完全是民进党自制评论
: Newtalk新闻 https://newtalk.tw/news/view/2024-04-29/917928
: 王鸿薇也质疑,评论里面也提到,准行政院长卓荣泰因为缺乏私部门经验,要处里经济事
: 务一定要倚仗相关阁员,或提到准外交部长林佳龙过去的选举失败经验,并不影响林佳龙
: 的仕途,这些是不是也是负面评论?这些部分为什么民进党避而不谈?
Just like Cho, foreign minister-designate Lin has served in a variety of
politically appointed as well as elected positions. Lin lost re-election as
Taichung Mayor in 2018, and he resigned as Minister of the Ministry of
Transportation and Communications following a 2021 train accident. His
elevation to foreign minister proves once again that for Taiwan politicians,
past failures do not inhibit a future in politics. As the foreign minister
always meets visiting European parliamentarians, Lin will play a key role in
advocacy for a Business and Investment Agreement (BIA) between Taiwan and the
European Union.
里面还提了 他在担任交通部长期间
他的晋升显示 台湾官员都不会因为这些错误而影响他的仕途
: 王鸿薇表示,民进党如果把欧洲商会的所有原文清楚呈现,就不会变成一个政治性攻击,
: 只是,可悲的是,民进党永远都是利用这种方式做断章取义的政治攻击,而没有把真正的
: 评论全貌呈现出来。
: 厉害了!还可以在欧洲商会自制评论回来台湾用
: 我的党真的了不起
: S