A6 (çŸID真好)
2024-04-29 00:00:42※ 引述《br06 (烤声)》之铭言:
: 欧洲商会示警“藐视国会罪” 吴思瑶轰蓝白:外国都知严重性还不收手?
: 4.完整新闻内文:
: 蓝白过半新国会乱象不断,国民党立委近来提出“刑法部分条文修正草案”,拟增订“藐视
: 国会罪”,最重可关3年、罚30万,引发各界譁然,担忧恐危及外资对台投资意愿,欧洲商
: 会也公开示警。立法院民进党团干事长吴思瑶今(28)日说,“藐视国会罪”踢到铁板、问
: 题搞大了,外商都说话了,外国人都看到问题严重性,蓝白难道还不收手吗?
: 蓝白强推“藐视国会罪”引论战。欧洲商会本周发表“台湾政治评论”文件,文中向外商分
: 析台湾政局,还提到在野党要推动将“藐视国会”定罪,台湾法务部忧心引来寒蝉效应,欧
: 洲商会也引用媒体相关评论,直指是部“荒唐”(absurd)的法案。
欧洲商会原文 是在这里
Notable Legislation Yuan developments
The KMT Legislative Yuan caucus recently emphasized its plans to pass
whistleblower legislation. The process to pass whistleblower protection
legislation, for both the public and private sector, dates from 2012. KMT
legislators also proposed to criminalize “contempt of the Legislative Yuan
”, similar to the criminalization of “contempt of Congress” in the United
States. A Deputy Minister of Justice warned this would have a “chilling
effect” on the willingness of witnesses to cooperate with the Legislative
Yuan, and a commentary in Taiwan media called the proposal “absurd”.
欧洲商会特别说了 这法条和美国的藐视国会罪 类似
怎么了 学美国有问题??
吴思瑶 你今天疑美了吗
另外 他是引述
欧洲商会 只是引述的说法 结果变成欧洲商会说 ??
笑死 妥妥的出口转内销
Analysis: The good thing about the appointment of Cho as Premier is that he
has spent his entire career in politics. Having served as a Taipei City
councillor and Legislative Yuan member, at the DPP headquarters (including as
party chairman), at the Executive Yuan, and at the Presidential Office, he
has a thorough understanding of how Taiwan’s government works, including the
day-to-day relationship between the Presidential Office and Executive Yuan as
well as between the Legislative Yuan and Executive Yuan. On the other hand,
having spent a career in politics means Cho lacks private sector experience.
He will have to rely heavily on the relevant cabinet members to drive the
economic policy agenda.
欧洲商会示警 卓荣泰长年从政 缺乏私营经验
Just like Cho, foreign minister-designate Lin has served in a variety of
politically appointed as well as elected positions. Lin lost re-election as
Taichung Mayor in 2018, and he resigned as Minister of the Ministry of
Transportation and Communications following a 2021 train accident. His
elevation to foreign minister proves once again that for Taiwan politicians,
past failures do not inhibit a future in politics. As the foreign minister
always meets visiting European parliamentarians, Lin will play a key role in
advocacy for a Business and Investment Agreement (BIA) between Taiwan and the
European Union.
欧洲商会评论 林佳龙晋升显示
台湾民进党的政府官员 并不需要因为过去的错误 而影响其仕途
千杯 千杯