STAV72 (刁民党党务主委)
2023-02-01 11:14:52备注请放最后面 违者新闻文章删除
By Kerim Karakaya and Beril Akman
Gold as Inflationary Hedge Makes Turkey World’s Biggest Buyer
Gold as Inflationary Hedge Makes Turkey World’s Biggest Buyer
Demand increased from Turkey’s central bank and households
Households also rushed to the precious metal against inflation
By Kerim Karakaya and Beril Akman+Follow
2023年1月31日 下午8:51 [GMT+8]
世界黄金协会周二在一份报告中称,央行的黄金储备处于历史最高水平。官方数字为 542
吨,增加了 148 吨。
2022 年最后一个季度,该国对奢侈品的需求也同比增长 32%。“尽管第四季度当地金价上
土耳其总统 (Recep Tayyip Erdogan) 上周表示,在过去五年中,土耳其已提高其生产黄金
的雄心,目标是在过去五年中每年生产超过 35 吨的现有平均水平。“与石油一起,黄金是
土耳其的消费者通胀在去年 12 月下降至 64% 之前加速升至 85%,这要归功于一系列非常
规货币政策,这些政策在价格飙升的情况下降低了利率。土耳其里拉去年贬值了近 30%。
根据彭博汇编的数据,以里拉计算的黄金价格每年上涨 40%。
土耳其将其持有的所有黄金从美国取走。根据土耳其央行 2021 年年度报告,黄金转为存放
国家统计局周二公布的另一项数据显示,2022 年 12 月,土耳其的贵金属和宝石进口同比
增长近 600%。能源和黄金是土耳其贸易逆差的主要驱动因素,同期贸易逆差扩大了 42%。
Turkey was the biggest buyer of gold among central banks last year, with househo
lds also rushing to buy the commodity to shield from geopolitical uncertainty an
d rampant inflation.
The central bank’s gold reserves were at the highest level on record, the World
Gold Council said in a report Tuesday. The official figure was 542 tonnes, up b
y 148 tonnes.
Demand for jewelery in the country also increased and jumped 32% year-on-year in
the last quarter of 2022. “Despite the rise in the local gold price during 4Q,
soaring consumer inflation brought the investment motive to the fore,” the WGC
Turkey has stepped up its ambitions to produce more gold than the existing avera
ge of 35 tonnes annually over the last five years, President Recep Tayyip Erdoga
n said last week. “Together with oil, gold is one of the most imported items,”
he said during the opening of a new gold mine facility in the country’s west.
“We have the reserves to meet at least half of the demand in this area.”
Gold Rush | The central bank's gold reserves hit a record level
Gold is also a popular commodity among Turkish households who use it as a hedge
against currency and inflation pressures.
Turkey’s consumer inflation accelerated to as high as 85% last year before fall
ing to 64% in December, thanks to a range of unconventional monetary policies th
at saw interest rates fall despite rampant price growth. The Turkish lira deprec
iated by almost 30% last year.
The price of gold in lira terms increased by 40% on an annual basis, according t
o data compiled by Bloomberg.
Turkey has stepped up its ambitions to produce more gold than the existing avera
ge of 35 tonnes annually over the last five years, President Recep Tayyip Erdoga
n said last week. “Together with oil, gold is one of the most imported items,”
he said during the opening of a new gold mine facility in the country’s west.
After a US case against Turkey state lender Halkbank on failing to comply with s
anctions against Iran, Turkey repatriated all its gold holdings from the US. Acc
ording to the Turkish central bank’s 2021 annual report, gold is kept at the Ba
nk of England, at Istanbul Stock Exchange and the central bank.
Turkey’s imports of precious metals and stones swelled by almost 600% in Decemb
er 2022 compared with a year earlier, separate data on Tuesday from state statis
tics agency TurkStat show. Energy and gold are the main drivers of Turkey’s tra
de deficit, which widened by 42% in the same period.
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