[新闻] 加州公园发生4起枪杀案 嫌犯尚未落网

楼主: GETpoint (掷雷爆卦)   2022-04-24 17:43:55
外媒 KTLA 5 News
by: Chris Wolfe
‘It’s very disconcerting, and it’s scary’: 4 ducks shot at Costa Mesa park
“这非常令人不安,也很可怕”:4 只鸭子在科斯塔梅萨公园被枪杀
‘It’s very disconcerting, and it’s scary’: 4 ducks shot at Costa Mesa park
by: Chris Wolfe
“这非常令人不安,也很可怕”:4 只鸭子在科斯塔梅萨公园被枪杀
Posted: Apr 22, 2022 / 10:25 PM PDT
Updated: Apr 23, 2022 / 11:59 AM PDT
自复活节星期天以来,科斯塔梅萨的 TeWinkle 公园已有多只鸭子被杀,警方正在调查枪
Multiple ducks have been killed at TeWinkle Park in Costa Mesa since Easter
Sunday and police are investigating the shootings.
“And so these bright white objects are the bullets … There’s one here, one
here, one here, one here,” said Dr. Elizabeth Wood, medical director of the
Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center in Huntington Beach. “Unfortunately we saw
both pellets, which are spherical, and also actual bullets.”
The Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center is investigating the slayings and
assisting the Costa Mesa Police Department.
“It’s horrendous. Nothing upsets us more. These are animals that have been
loved by the local community in the local park,” Wood said.
Michelle Berger, who’s been visiting TeWinkle Park for decades and educating
others on its wildlife, noticed the birds were alive and well on Easter Sunday,
but discovered four were dead the next morning on Monday, April 18. She was
the first person to alert authorities.
米歇尔·伯杰(Michelle Berger)几十年来一直在特温克尔公园(TeWinkle Park)参观
4 月 18 日星期一的第二天早上发现有四只鸟死亡。她是第一个向当局发出警报的人.
“There’s people that are sick. They’re just monsters, and this is not the
first time that this has happened here, but it’s very disconcerting, and it’
s scary to the public to know that someone has come here with a gun,” Berger
Costa Mesa Police have stepped up patrols in the area, and Mayor John
Stephens said the city is taking measures to prevent this type of animal
abuse from happening again.
In the meantime, investigators have collected the ammunition from the dead
ducks and are trying to lift fingerprints from the bullet fragments and
“It is also well documented that crimes against animals can then progress to
crimes against people, so it’s definitely imperative to have an
investigation,” Wood said.
“There’s a lot of people here that are very upset about what was done here,
” Berger added.
Anyone with information about the shootings is asked to call the Costa Mesa
Police Department at 714-754-5280.
任何有枪击事件信息的人请致电 714-754-5280 联系科斯塔梅萨警察局。
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