[问卦] Judy预言 今年中国会对台湾出手?

楼主: fantasy14 (我可以看见吗)   2022-03-09 21:52:22
她在她的blog 有关于2022年的预言
有预言 俄罗斯会打乌克兰
还有 中国会对台湾出手
然后因为美国欠 中国很多钱
天啊 如果是真的
Russia and China and North Korea
getting bolder against US and other countries.
XI Peng is re-elected
CCP General Secretary of China.
The Chinese will make their move on
Taiwan and US will be helpless because
of the debt they owe to China,
and it will be disastrous for US and the
global economy and everyone will have
to adjust to a more difficult relationship
with that country.
Putin will try to destroy the independent
state of Ukraine, and get rid of Nato to
cement Russia’s role as rival to the West,
United Kingdom will have to choose
between gas from Russia or Ukraine and
Putin will provoke Ukraine by a show of
military power.

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