CPer (CPer)
2021-06-30 23:10:42不是耶 美国可以经济制裁中国
※ 引述《capricornlin (popo!)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《ltfG (TFG)》之铭言:
: : https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2021/06/29/press-gaggle-by-press-secretary-jen-psaki-en-route-la-crosse-wi/
: : https://bit.ly/3A97mYt
: : Q: And there's this critical meeting today on this sort of, you know, trade
: : council with Taiwan. Is there any suggestion at all that the U.S. decision to
: : provide as many vaccine doses as were provided to Taiwan is in some way a
: : quid pro quo to get access to semiconductors from Taiwan?
: : MS. PSAKI: There should not be that suggestion. I will note that they were
: : being cut off from access to vaccines. So that was a factor.
: : 白宫发言人:我必须提醒大家的事实是台湾在取得疫苗的过程中被阻断
: 路透社
: U.S. triples vaccines for Taiwan with 2.5 million-dose shipment
: https://is.gd/z9YJpu
: "We believe that these attempts by China to block purchases, for political
: purposes, are reprehensible," the senior Biden administration official said.
: 金融时报
: Taiwan’s unity cracks under Chinese disinformation onslaught
: https://is.gd/yg4UTM
: Chinese disinformation in Taiwan spreads is that fake news or skewed
: narratives generated by Chinese trolls or content farms are passed on
: through Taiwanese private groups on the messaging app Line or the
: online discussion board PTT.
: 白宫
: https://bit.ly/3A97mYt
: MS. PSAKI: There should not be that suggestion. I will note that they were
: being cut off from access to vaccines. So that was a factor.
: 乡民宁愿相信环球时报 东南卫视 国台办 中国网络假消息
: 但是不愿意相信白宫 路透社 金融时报
: 太神啦 哈哈哈