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Raphael Satter
Chinese spyware code was copied from America's NSA: researchers
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Chinese spies used code first developed by the U.S.
National Security Agency to support their hacking operations, Israeli
researchers said on Monday, another indication of how malicious software
developed by governments can boomerang against their creators.
Tel Aviv-based Check Point Software Technologies issued a report noting that
some features in a piece of China-linked malware it dubs “Jian” were so
similar they could only have been stolen from some of the National Security
Agency break-in tools leaked to the internet in 2017.
总部位于特拉维夫的Check Point软件技术公司发布了一份报告,指出中国的一个
Yaniv Balmas, Checkpoint’s head of research, called Jian “kind of a
copycat, a Chinese replica.”
Checkpoint的研究主管Yaniv Balmas称Jian为“模仿者,中国复制品。”
The find comes as some experts argue that American spies should devote more
energy to fixing the flaws they find in software instead of developing and
deploying malicious software to exploit it.
The NSA declined comment. The Chinese Embassy in Washington did not respond
to requests for comment.
国家安全局拒绝置评。 中国驻华盛顿大使馆未回应。
A person familiar with the matter said Lockheed Martin Corp – which is
credited as having identified the vulnerability exploited by Jian in 2017 –
discovered it on the network of an unidentified third party.
一位知情人士说,洛克希德·马丁公司(Lockheed Martin Corp)在一个身份不明的第三
方网络上发现了该漏洞。洛克希德·马丁公司(Lockheed Martin Corp)在2017年发现了
In a statement, Lockheed said it “routinely evaluates third-party software
and technologies to identify vulnerabilities.”
Countries around the world develop malware that breaks into their rivals’
devices by taking advantage of flaws in the software that runs them. Every
time spies discover a new flaw they must decide whether to quietly exploit it
or fix the issue to thwart rivals and rogues.
That dilemma came to public attention between 2016 and 2017, when a
mysterious group calling itself the “Shadow Brokers” published some of the
NSA’s most dangerous code to the internet, allowing cybercriminals and rival
nations to add American-made digital break-in tools to their own arsenals.
How the Jian malware analyzed by Checkpoint was used is not clear. In an
advisory published in 2017, Microsoft Corp suggested it was linked to a
Chinese entity it dubs “Zirconium,” which last year was accused of
targeting U.S. election-related organizations and individuals, including
people associated with President Joe Biden’s campaign.
目前尚不清楚如何使用Checkpoint分析的Jian恶意软件。 在2017年发布的一份咨询报告
Checkpoint says Jian appears to have been crafted in 2014, at least two years
before the Shadow Brokers made their public debut. That, in conjunction with
research published in 2019 by Broadcom Inc-owned cybersecurity firm Symantec
about a similar incident, suggests the NSA has repeatedly lost control of its
own malware over the years.
Checkpoint表示,Jian似乎是在2014年制作的,至少在Shadow Brokers公开亮相之前两年
。 这与博通公司旗下网络安全公司赛门铁克在2019年发布的关于类似事件的研究相结合
Checkpoint’s research is thorough and “looks legit,” said Costin Raiu, a
researcher with Moscow-based antivirus firm Kaspersky Lab, which has helped
dissect some of the NSA’s malware.
莫斯科防毒软件公司卡巴斯基实验室的研究员Costin Raiu说,Checkpoint的研究是彻底的
Balmas said a possible takeaway from his company’s report was for spymasters
weighing whether to keep software flaws secret to think twice about using a
vulnerability for their own ends.
“Maybe it’s more important to patch this thing and save the world,” Balmas
said. “It might be used against you.”
Balmas说:“也许修补这个东西并拯救世界更重要。” “它可能会被用来对付你。”
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