td123 (TD123)
2021-01-31 21:05:131. 装袋
2. 连袋冷冻处理
3. 冷冻期间 布置分装环境
4. 以工具切割分装进袋
5. 连袋加热煮熟
6. 油脂行碱处理(皂化反应)
Alkaline hydrolysis is considered to have the edge over techniques involving
acid (and is preferred in legitimate animal carcass disposal),* most likely
because of the increased cleavage of the disulfide bonds that are key for the
structural integrity of proteins.
7. 将软组织与硬骨分离 分装两桶
8. 软组织桶加入消化酶
9. 重复使用袋子 硬组织装袋敲碎 压力锅处理
10. 硬组织加入强酸溶解
Acids at very low pH beat bases when it comes to destroying bone and
teeth,1-5 most likely because of the greater solubility of calcium apatites
in acidic conditions. However, destruction of bone in acidic conditions is no
quick job.
at room temperature and atmospheric pressure, it can take nearly a day – or
longer, depending on the acid – for bone to dissolve when fully submerged.
1. 避免购置器材时留下纪录
2. 避免异常用水量
3. 避免分装时的噪音引起注意
4. 化学处理过的组织仍有机会被侦测
Even with the small samples I treated over a series of days, there was still
remaining material available for analysis.
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