※ 引述《ian15937 (5+3=1+7)》之铭言:
: : 嘘 hw102050: 多数国家钻车缝违法? 出国看看好吗 10/22 08:09
: : → hw102050: https://youtu.be/TQBDQK1owuQ 10/22 08:10
: : → hw102050: 还有台湾跟很多国家一样,“平面”钻车缝只是不违法,汽 10/22 08:12
: : → hw102050: 机车重机法规上都没有限制静止车流钻车 10/22 08:12
: 安安 我又来打重机骑士的脸了
: 既然这位骑士贴的是新加坡的场景
: 那我就去特地查了一下新加坡的交通法规给他看
: Vehicle overtaking and passing another
: 4. The driver of a vehicle who intends to overtake and pass another vehicle
: proceeding in the same direction may, if he sees the driver of the latter
: vehicle make the signal to turn to the right or left as required by rule 2
: and take the position required by rule 7, overtake and pass the said vehicle
: on its left or right side.
: Positioning of vehicle before making a turn at road intersection or junction
: 7. The driver or rider of a vehicle who intends to turn to the right at an
: intersection or junction of roads shall, before reaching such intersection or
: junction and as opportunity offers, move into the appropriate lane as
: indicated by the directional arrows to turn right and any driver or rider of
: a vehicle intending to turn to the left shall, as opportunity offers, move
: into the appropriate lane as indicated by the directional arrows to turn left.
: 我怕你英文不好特地帮你总结一下结论
: 第4条提到如果你想超越或是通过其他车辆需要遵照第7条所写的内容
: 而第7条写了什么呢 他说必须要到appropriate lane
: appropriate lane的意思知道是什么吗 适当的车道
: 也就是说如果旁边的车道有车 就不能超车
: 不是车道之间的那条线 要在车道内 ok?
: 这边的rule 2主要说的是打方向灯的时机我就不贴了
: 有兴趣的人可以自己去看
: 不过我猜他们大概也看不懂
我想...你的问题不在于英文好不好,而是根本不懂法规架构= =
- 道路交通安全规则 : https://bit.ly/2IUZ93U
- 道路交通管理处罚条例 : https://bit.ly/3mduTzv
Ans: 道路交通管理处罚条例
(ps1: 真的违法的话,机车红灯时钻到停等区早就可以罚了...)
(ps2: 红牌重机国道不能钻,可是明文写在"道路交通管理处罚条例",不同于平面)