gyGirl 2020-09-15 01:33:48这种发明还蛮好笑的
※ 引述《wenchinhsieh (windman)》之铭言:
: 加拿大一间公司发明了壁挂式侦测冠状病毒装置,将可以侦测空气中病毒,一旦侦测到空
: 气中的冠状病毒即会发出警报,11月将于学校使用,未来在飞机上、大众运输系统中使用
: 。
: 自3月以来,已安排在西方大学(Western University)下属的两个独立实验室进行测试
: 。测试人员之一是Western的微生物学和免疫学教授David Heinrichs博士。
: 这对未来对抗冠状病毒会不会是一项人类重大发明?台湾有可能展出这种科技吗?
: —————————-
: 外电报导如下:
: Gary Ennett ? CBC News ? Posted: Sep 11, 2020 1:25 PM ET | Last Updated: Septe
: mber 1
: https://i.imgur.com/UuHDeHt.jpg
: Early tests suggest new Canadian technology could detect the coronavirus in th
: e air
: https://i.imgur.com/p7dEnoo.jpg
: A Canadian company says it has developed a wall-mounted device that detects th
: e presence of the novel coronavirus in the air and triggers an alert system to
: warn of the detection. One scientist who has reviewed the product suggests it
: works.
: Kontrol Energy of Vaughan created the technology, known as BioCloud, at its of
: fice in London, Ont., and the company's CEO, Paul Ghezzi, said he's working to
: have it installed in schools by November.
: Ghezzi says it can also be used by mass transit systems.
: "So aircraft, where perhaps air is being recycled every 15 minutes, buses, sub
: ways and anywhere crowds gather in tight spaces for prolonged periods of time.
: "
: Ghezzi calls it a game-changer in the fight against COVID-19, especially in cl
: assrooms, where it's important to detect the virus as quickly as possible.
: "When we look at the entire ecosystem of how do we survive this pandemic, havi
: ng this safe space technology allows us to identify the virus more quickly, al
: lows us to contact trace more quickly. Perhaps we can close down the classroom
: , as opposed to an entire school." ?
: Independently tested
: The company has been working on the technology at its London office since Marc
: h and arranged for testing at two independent labs that are part of Western Un
: iversity, Ghezzi said.
: One of the testers was Dr. David Heinrichs, a professor of Microbiology and Im
: munology at Western.
: "There's no doubt in my mind that this technology can quickly and effectively
: detect an array of airborne pathogens, including the virus that causes COVID-1
: 9. Our results are absolutely conclusive," said Heinrichs.
: Kontrol Energy hopes to produce as many as 20,000 BioCloud units per month at
: a cost of $12,000 U.S., though Ghezzi said discounts would be offered on large
: orders.
: The detection chamber is replaceable after it comes into contact with the coro
: navirus and can be replaced for continuous use, the company said in a news rel
: ease.
: There are no immediate plans for developing a unit that would work in the home
: . Ghezzi said the company has considered the concept of a breathalyzer that wo
: uld detect the coronavirus, but it would require a longer development cycle an
: d the approval by Health Canada.
: Ghezzi said, for now, the primary focus of the company is to sell its technolo
: gy to schools, hospitals and mass transportation systems.
: 新闻来源:
: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/kontrol-energy-biocloud-technology-detec
: ts-presence-of-novel-coronavirus-in-the-air-triggers-alert-system-prot-1.57206
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