douge (树大便是美)
2020-07-25 01:03:32※ 引述《leocean9816 (阿光)》之铭言:
: 1.媒体来源:CNA
: 2.记者署名:里约热内卢24日综合外电报导李昕颐
: 3.完整新闻标题:巴西研究:羟氯奎宁治冠状病毒无效
: 4.完整新闻内文:
: 巴西研究人员今天发布的研究报告显示,羟氯奎宁对2019冠状病毒疾病轻中症患者并无疗
: 效;此消息也直接打脸积极推广使用羟氯奎宁的巴西总统波索纳洛。
这网页统整了所有 HCQ研究发表文章的内容
Late stage RCT of 667 hospitalized patients receiving up to 4 liters per
minute supplemental oxygen with up to 14 days from symptoms at enrollment,
not finding a significant effect after 15 days. 3 deaths (HCQ+AZ) vs. 5 (HCQ)
and 5 (control), too few for any conclusions.
Authors note: "our aim was to exclude patients already receiving longer and
potentially therapeutic doses of the study treatments." in explanation for
why the study protocol was changed to exclude patients with previous use of
the medications > 24hrs.
Authors note: "the trial cannot definitively rule out either a substantial
benefit of the trial drugs or a substantial harm". The trial had significant
protocol deviations and unusually low medication adherence. Randomization
resulted in 64.3% male patients (HCQ) vs. 54.2% (control) which may
significantly affect results due to the much higher risk for male patients.
The trial initially required enrollment within 48 hours of admission and was
changed to remove this requirement, which is likely to reduce effectiveness
since enrollment moved later after the time the disease became serious enough
for hospitalization.
The paper uses the terms mild and moderate, however all patients had serious
enough disease to be hospitalized, and 14% were actually randomized in the
看完你就知道 研究人员说的 跟这个新闻写的内容
现在正式发表而且有检验的文章都是说 HCQ有效
Yale 的流行病学教授 Dr. Harvey Risch 也跳出来说就是有效
不知道他是谁的 先看看他发表的文章
他刚好就是这些期刊的 Editor
所以这个巴西的极少样品的研究 经过媒体胡扯作者根本没说的结果
看不懂 看英文的黄色两个字就知道了
mortleo (mort)
2020-07-25 02:05:00Global HCQ studies. PrEP, PEP, and early treatment studies show high effectiveness, while late treatment shows mixed results.