realtw (realtw)
2019-01-04 13:10:23如题
台湾主计处上次对外宣布的是在大陆工作的人数 几十万人
这不包括这些人在大陆的配偶 家属 子女
单一个上海 就多少台湾子女在那读书的
还有在大陆做生意的 传销的
v128w (nao)
2019-01-04 13:11:00200万 然后咧?
nzxc (N)
2019-01-04 13:11:00据说
YLTYY (winter)
2019-01-04 13:12:00在中国的都不配叫台湾人
ANCEE (安西)
2019-01-04 13:12:00在全世界都很多啦 阿在大陆是怎样 今年台商要撤退了
作者: chaunen 2019-01-04 13:12:00
在中国就要被中国统 那一堆跑去美国的怎不提倡被美国统?
whiteadam (blue eyes blue)
2019-01-04 13:13:00吱吱会说只有2万啦
作者: catatonic 2019-01-04 13:13:00
有这么多吗 支那都没有两百万吧
boogieman (Let the Right One In)
2019-01-04 13:13:00承认啊 又怎样?你承不承认支那人在日本打工卖淫干黑
wildhug (野猪向前冲)
2019-01-04 13:13:00笑死,还出来发文丢脸。可不可悲阿
boogieman (Let the Right One In)
2019-01-04 13:14:00道占外国人第一名啊?
作者: chaunen 2019-01-04 13:14:00
喔 原来是real 感谢您对台湾民主价值的奉(ㄘˋ)献(ㄐㄧ )
AntiCompete (PapaOfAntiComeprtitive)
2019-01-04 13:14:00真让你选,若钱可以汇出来,你会想在那边定居
作者: u9005205 (seastar) 2019-01-04 13:15:00
作者: chaunen 2019-01-04 13:15:00
算了吧 光是 空气 水 食物 就够呛了 有本事别回来用健保
pikakami (我买不起徕卡)
2019-01-04 13:16:00所以?在日シナ人100万?所以?
winsonwu (winson)
2019-01-04 13:16:00所以勒支那人又有多少人住欧美或者改国籍的阿
pikakami (我买不起徕卡)
2019-01-04 13:17:00在米中国人400万人超 うち238万人が中国语话者 So?
作者: chaunen 2019-01-04 13:19:00
繁荣? 繁荣到中国人吧 港仔超惨
pikakami (我买不起徕卡)
2019-01-04 13:21:00在米シナ人四百万人超 So?Hopeless in Hong Kong: China’s Squeeze TriggersTalk of a New ExodusHONG KONG—In the years leading up to the city’s 1997 return to Chinese rule, Hong Kong citizens headed overseas by the hundreds of thousands, spooked by Beijing’s crushing of student protests in Tiananmen Square and fearful their freedoms would be trampled.
200万我也觉得唬烂 每次投票过年机场怎没塞..还是早前投共老人也算进?
pikakami (我买不起徕卡)
2019-01-04 13:26:00They moved to Canada, the U.S., Australia and elsewhere to start new lives, or to obtain second passports as an insurance policy should they wish to flee. Many native Hong Kongers returned, as the transfer of sovereignty came and went with few signs thatBeijing was flexing its muscles.Now there are early signals a new tide of migrationcould be looming, as concerns rise about civil liberties, living standards and quality of life. SinceBeijing in 2014 faced down protesters calling forgreater democracy in Hong Kong, the city’s leadershave stifled opposition in the former British colony. For all but the most ardent activists, resistance has come to feel futile.The actual number leaving is difficult to track because so many residents obtained foreign passports two decades or more ago. But in a survey last year by a local university, a third of respondents—including close to half of college-educated participantsand young people aged 18 to 30—said they would emigrate if they got the chance. Of those, 13% had made actual preparations to leave.Immigration to Canada has doubled over the past decade. Relocation consultants report an uptick in business in the past few years. Dozens of YouTube videos are being circulated by Hong Kong emigrants touting closer, more affordable places to live, such asMalaysia and Taiwan, where migration has also doubled in the past year. Facebook groups on these topics have also proliferated.“Before 1997 people were worried about the uncertainty before the handover. Now they are leaving because of the certainty,” said Paul Yip, an academicat the University of Hong Kong who specializes in population studies. He said emigrants are feeling frustrated with the city’s changing political climate or hopeless about an economic boom that has passed many by.China’s growing presence is everywhere. Bookstoresare increasingly not selling books that offend China, Chinese companies dominate the city’s stock exchange, and the use of Mandarin is starting to erode the dominance of the local Cantonese language. Byone measure, close to a million people from mainland China have moved to the city of 7.4 million since 1997.In the past two years, authorities ousted some pro-democratic lawmakers from the city’s legislative council on procedural grounds and a political partyhas been banned for advocating Hong Kong independence, and a Western journalist was effectively expelled after hosting a talk by that party’s leader. Meanwhile, homes have remained unaffordable for mostin the city, which has among the world’s most expensive real-estate prices.This year, Gavin Li flew to the southern U.S. withhis wife and two young daughters. After two weeks of sightseeing and family visits, Mr. and Mrs. Li returned to Hong Kong without their girls, 7 and 9 years old, having signed documents giving consent totheir children’s adoption. American relatives hadcommitted to legally adopt them at the end of a required six-month residence period.“Hong Kong is getting worse by the day,” said Mr.Li, who as a teenager in 1994 left mainland Chinato escape the country’s authoritarian system. “Ican remember when Hong Kong was still a special place, not just one of the many cities controlled by Beijing. That’s changed.”
lenfeng (lenfeng)
2019-01-04 13:38:00google国人赴海外工作人数统计 - 行政院主计总处约40万人在大陆(含港澳)工作
作者: JT0624 2019-01-04 13:41:00
又没禁止去国外工作 这篇是要问什么?
Daz2005i (大å®å™¹)
2019-01-04 13:42:00南极有这么多台湾人? 骗笑
saw6904 (小饼干)
2019-01-04 13:44:00支那人不能连到我国国发会查资料,随便唬个数据罢了,支那臭习性
作者: nihow78 (这不是分身) 2019-01-04 13:44:00
然后勒 希望9.2也可以过去 拜托
作者: nihow78 (这不是分身) 2019-01-04 13:45:00
下一篇 有多少中共高官子女在美国
patentstm (暖暖苗圃没有树...)
2019-01-04 13:46:00realtw表示: 台湾当局应小心亲共人士投票权?
作者: askye546388 (东北季风) 2019-01-04 13:47:00
chung1888 (chung1888)
2019-01-04 13:51:00美国大陆?澳洲大陆?南极大陆?你在说那个大陆?
作者: nec0229 (山风) 2019-01-04 13:55:00
作者: acserro (O皿X) 2019-01-04 13:57:00