Re: [讨论] 彭博社专访柯P(原文翻译)

楼主: kapolo (浅国度)   2018-10-19 15:13:14
(Updates prices in 5th paragraph.)
“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it,” said Ko, who calls Marxist
revolutionary Che Guevara “a hero” and other Taiwanese politicians “liars
and fraudsters.”
"船到桥头自然直"出自称马克思主义革命家 切·格瓦拉 是英雄,其他台湾政客
不太会翻,但he said. 被改成said Ko,...
※ 引述《uei1201 (新八)》之铭言:
: ※ [本文转录自 HatePolitics 看板 #1RoJeSJo ]
: 作者: manysheep (爱与和平的PTT乡民) 看板: HatePolitics
: 标题: Re: [讨论] 彭博社专访柯P
: 时间: Fri Oct 19 09:57:46 2018
: ※ 引述《H2 (超级喷火龙X)》之铭言:
: :
: : Taipei Mayor Says Taiwan Is ‘Just a Product on a Shelf’ for Trump
: 台北市长柯文哲说:“台湾对川普来说,只是货架上的商品。”
: : Taiwan must focus on making itself more valuable to President Donald Trump and
: : accept its status as a pawn in the great power game between the U.S. and Chin
: : a, Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je said.
: 台北市长柯文哲说:
: “做为美中权力游戏中的棋子,台湾必须努力提升在川普心中的价值。”
: : The outspoken former surgeon and potential presidential contender told Bloombe
: : rg News that Taiwan shouldn’t overestimate the U.S.’s willingness to defend
: : the island from an attack by its much bigger neighbor. Ko, 59, said Taiwan nee
: : ded to boost its worth to America by strengthening shared values, such as demo
: : cracy and economic transparency.
: 这位敢言的前外科医师,潜在的总统候选人告诉彭博社说:
: “台湾不应该高估,当中国侵犯时,美国捍卫台湾的决心。”
: 59岁的柯文哲说:
: “台湾必须加强他对美国的价值,通过加强共通的价值观,譬如民主与经济透明度。”
: : “Taiwan is just a product on a shelf,” Ko said Wednesday at Taipei City Hall
: : . “We have to have a very clear understanding of ourselves.”
: : Such blunt assessments have helped make Ko one of Taiwan’s most popular polit
: : icians since winning election as the capital city’s mayor as an independent i
: : n 2014. Should he secure a second term in local elections Nov. 24, he’s consi
: : dered a strong contender for president, something he repeatedly declined to ru
: : le out.
: 周三,在台北市政府大楼,柯文哲说:“台湾只是货架上的商品。”、“我们必须对自己
: 的处境有清楚的认识”
: 自从柯文哲以无党籍身分赢得2014年的台北市长选举以来,这种直白的评论风格,使他成
: 为台湾最受欢迎的政治人物。如果他在11月24日的地方选举再次连任,将使他成为下任总
: 统的强力竞争者,即使他一再拒绝担任2020的总统候选人。
: : “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it,” he said.
: 他说:“船到桥头自然直”
文字在这里消失, said Ko 被改成 he said断句.
“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it,” said Ko, who calls Marxist
revolutionary Che Guevara “a hero” and other Taiwanese politicians “liars
and fraudsters.”
(Updates prices in 5th paragraph.)

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